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The Capet's were the French royalty who were undone by the Templar's, when Phillip the Fair forced them underground, and tortured and burned Jacques De Molay at the stake.

The Capetian royal dynasty was founded by Hugh Capet, elected king of France in 987 over the last legitimate pretender of the Carolingian line, Charles, duke of Lower Lorraine. Originally conceded by election, kingship did not become hereditary among the Capetians until 1179. The Capetians initially controlled only the duchy of France (Paris and Orleans), but owing to a shrewd and persistent policy of annexation their jurisdiction progressively extended to other regions : Artois, Vermandois, and Auvergne were incorporated into the kingdom under Philip Augustus (1180-1223) , who also confiscated from the English monarch John Lackland the territories of Anjou (birthplace of the Plantagenet family), Maine, Normandy, Poitou, Saintonge, and Touraine. Capetian dominions further expanded to include the county of Toulouse under Philip III the Bold (1270-1285), and later Champagne, Angoumois, and the county of Lyons under Philip IV the Fair (1285-1314). The direct Capetian line produced 14 monarchs, among them Saint Louis (1226-1270) , then died out with Charles IV the Fair (1323-1328), the last of Philip IV the Fair's three sons. They were succeeded by the Valois branch of the Capetians, of which Charles V was the third to rule after Philip VI of Valois (1328-1350) and John II the Good (1350-1364) . The Valois line endured until the death of Henry III in 1589. His successor, Henry IV (1589-1614) was the first Capetian king of the Bourbon line, which continued without interruption until Louis XVI was deposed in 1791. Further details of the Capet genealogy at http://www.heraldica.org/topics/france/roygenea.htm

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