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Christopher Columbus Swaim
Sarah [Sallie] Hines
Robert Swindell
(Abt 1765-Abt 1790)
(Abt 1765-)
John H. Swaim
Elizabeth "Polly" Swindell
Benjamin F. Swaim


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Benjamin F. Swaim 223,224

  • Born: Aug 1831, North Carolina 246
  • Died: 1853, Age 22 aged 22
  • Buried: Good Cemetary, Warren, Huntington County, Indiana 246

bullet  General Notes:

The Warren Independent obituary for John H. Swaim, Benjamin F. Swaim is referred to as Franklin.
"To this union was born nine children, as follows: Mahala, Robert, Charity, Simeon, Sarah, Nancy, Zebedee, Franklin, and Cynthia." Since Benjamin's middle initial was F, it can be assumed that his middle name was Franklin.

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