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John Vickery
(Bef 1657-)
(Bef 1661-)
Hezekiah Vickrey
Mercy Holland
(Bef 1693-1736)
Marmaduke Vickrey
(Abt 1715-1787)


Family Links

Elizabeth Nation

Marmaduke Vickrey 223,224

  • Born: Abt 1715, Dorcester, Maryland 422
  • Marriage: Elizabeth Nation about 1739 in Orange Co., Frederick, VA 422
  • Died: 26 Dec 1787, Randoph County, North Carolina aged about 72
  • Buried: Dec 1787, On Plantation, Randolph County, North Carolina

bullet  General Notes:

DAR # 728052 Esther Newman out of Christopher's daughter Elizabeth.
DAR# 785466 Dolores
DAR# 530544-A457 Norma Carlson Havens

Marmaduke Vickrey served in Battle of Alamance, May 16, 1771 in North Carolina.
State of North Carolina, Randolph County, April 29, 1782, No. 60 voucher for Rev. War service from Treasurers and Comprteller's paper NC. Dept. of Archives and History. [DAR records]

Transcription of the Will of MARMADUKE VICKREY on file at Clerk of Court Randolph County, Asheboro, N.C. 27209. Dated 1787 and Probated 1788. "Will" Book 1 Page 66, Randolph Co, Asheboro, NC.

The last will and testament of Marmaduke Vickrey in the name of God amen I Marmaduke Vickrey Lord of the county of Randolph and state of North Carolina Testator Being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God for this same calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make ordain and appoint this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows:
First of all I recommend my soul to God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in decent burial at the discretion of my here after named Executor. and as touching my worldly estate whom with God hath been pleased to help me with in this life I give demise and xxxx of the same in the following manner and form. I give unto my well beloved wife Elizabeth Vickrey the full possession of my dwelling house with all my household furnishing goods and furnitures during her natural life and at her demise to be disposed of in manner and form as follows:
Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son Samson Vickrey all my land and tenements except that part conveyed to my grandson Marmaduke Vickrey I am by deed of gift bearing date December the twenty-fifth day one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Samson Vickrey all my personal estate of every kind, quality and xxxx to be possessed by him at my decease and at the decease of my wife Elizabeth Vickrey to come into full possession of my dwelling house with all the household benefits here onto belonging and I do appoint the son Samson Vickrey and him alone to be the Executor of this my last will and testament. In witness thereof I have let my hand and seal this twenty-sixth day of December and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven.

Marmaduke MV Vickrey seal
Signed Sealed and Confirmed and
Delivered in the presence of us
Christopher Vickrey
Marmaduke Vickrey

Randolph County xxxx December term of 88
The Execution ofthe last will and testament of Marmaduke
Vickrey demised was duly proven in open court by the
subscribing witnesses and order to be recorded copy given
Teste T Harper

Marmaduke Vickrey
Plantation on Deep River
Rowan Co, N.C. 151 Acres

This plan represents a tract of land surveyed for Marmaduke Vickrey on deep river Beginning at a hickry xxx xxxx last crop deep river 38 chains to a black oak sapling. Then north 421/2 chains to a white oak then west xxx the river 38 chains to two white oaks and a hickrey. Then South xxx a bent of the river x 421/2 chains to the first station containing one hundred and fifty one acres of land surveyed the first day of September 1757.
Sworn Chain Carriers
Richard Robins
Elisha Robins
W. Churton

The Liberty News
Liberty, North Carolina
November 10, 1971
by Mrs. Walter [Ruth F.] Thompson
2630 Merrit Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407
Recopied September 24, 1984


b. ca 1715
d. between December 26, 1787 [date of his will] and December 1788 [date will was probated in open court, Randolph County, NC]. His son Christopher Vickrey and grandson Marmaduke Vickrey, Jr. [son of John Vickrey] witnessed the will.

Marriage date thought be between 1737 and 1740 to Elizabeth Swaim, who according to some records, was born in Virginia [no proof]. *

Early Moravian records name Marmaduke Vickrey in a land survey in 1753.

Sept. 1, 1757 - date of the survey and drawing of abstract for tract of 151 Acres in Randolph County. Witnessed by Richard Robins and Elisha Robins.
Feb. 22, 1759 - date of the Land Grant from Earl of Granville for said 151 Acres in St. Luke's Parish of Rowan County, which in 1771 became Guilford County, and which in 1779 became Randolph County. The land grant, a copy of which is in the NC State Archives, Raleigh, NC was witnessed by William Robins and W. Churton.

Marmaduke headed up a group of men to plot a road from Center to Orange County, now a part of Guilford County, and what is known as the Alamance Church Community.

Marmaduke was part of the Regulator movement in 1771, along with other planters in the peidmont section of North Carolina, agains Governor Willaim Tryon's unfair taxation which resulted in the "local fight" that lasted two hours, known as the Battle of Alamance. Marmaduke was one of the captured Regulators who was chained and paraded in the Moravian settlement Bethabara. He was freed after he signed a pledge of allegiance to the English government.

Governor Tryon could just as easily have had Marmaduke hung, but he thought it would embarass and humiliate Marmaduke more to chain him and parade him among his kinsmen, friends and neighbords as his punishment.

At one time Marmaduke was considered one of the large land owners in Randolph. He earned a living for his family completely from the soil, but in addition, he had one favorite sport--racing horses. He took his horses to Kentucky to race, and in turn horses were brought from Kentucky to his plantation to race. The outline of the race course is still visible and the area is covered with blue grass. Perhaps his taking his horses to Kentucky could be a clue to the emigration of one or possibly two of his children to Kentucky.

Today, his old plantation is located about 3 miles southwest of the Level Cross community overlooking Deep Reiver. The new U.W. Highway 220 will pass by his property. The rocks that once formed the foundation of his house are still there, and the rock foundation for the original barn is still in place. There is evidence of where the loomhouse and blacksmith shop once stood. Also part of the stone wall of the spring house remains.

Marmaduke raised some of the finest grain on his plantation of anybody in the area. He had his own grist miss and other planters brought their grain to have him grind it. Even though the old mill no longer stands, the mill pond dam remain. We are told that planters, as far away as 100 miles came to buy his seed.

Marmaduke and his wife, Elizabeth, had eight known children who lived to maturity. Located on the plantation are five graves thought to be those of Marmaduke, Elizabeth, and three children's graves, two of which are very short and were probably those of infants or very young children. Names of children:

Christopher - m. (1) Hannah Hodgh [Hodge], (2) Mary Lowe, (3) Mrs. Nancy Weatherly
Elizabeth - m. John Swaim
Charity - m. William Swaim
Jereter - m. Joseph Nation
Dorcas - m. Benjamin Rush
Samson - m. Charity Robins
Bethiah - m. (1)William Robins, (2) William Robbins [Two different Williams]

Of these children, available family records show that Christopher, John, Elizabeth, Charity and Bethiah named sons "Marmaduke." In nearly every line in nearly every generation through the late 1880's, there was a son named Marmaduke. Not all family lines have been traced--there are probably other "unknown Marmadukes."

Marmaduke is an uncommon name inour generation and time, so much so that people "prick up their ears" and bat their eyes when they first hear it! Because it is an uncommon name, employees in the State Archives remember it and say they have a number of requests from people wanting information about him and his descendants.

There are perhaps 10,000 or more descendants of Marmaduke Vickrey and his wife Elizabeth Swaim, all over the United States from Maine to Florida and from North Carolina to California--even Hawaii.

Many marriages have taken place among the descendants of Marmaduke Vickrey I to well-known people in the Randolph-Guilford County area--would look and sound more like a tax list. Some of the marriages were to:

Swaim Laughlin Greeson Wiley Julian Gardner Hadley
Rush Fentress Causey Mendenhall Caudle Hunt McMasters
Robins Elliott Briles Marsh Coble Hockett Branson
Hardin Hanner Weatherly Coltrane Porter Cranford Allred
Leonard Kearns Hinshaw Armfield Redding Cox Scott
Fields Polk Toomes Hodgin Monnett Kirkman Craven
Stanton Reynolds Farlow Lineberry Davis Lambert Idol
Lamb Ferree Steen Bowman Garrett Beeson Newlin
Osborn(e) Ledbetter Sherwood Bales Kennett Marley Layton

Local descendants searching for the family history have found, in addition to planters and farmers, horticulturists, teachers, professors, lawyers, doctors, ministers, writers--both prose and poetry--architects, designers, artists, and industrialists, to name a few. We are told that there were even a few bootleggers, but fortunately the nearest anyone's getting the noose was Old Marmaduke himself when he realized his squirrel gun and pitchfork were insufficient for Gov. Tryon's forces with cannons at Alamance!

*Marmaduke was married to Elizabeth Nation [my note ljl]

VICKREY, MARMADUKE, b. ca. 1715, Enland, d. 26 Dec. 1787, Hillsborough Dist., Rndlp., NC, m. Elizabeth Swaim, b. England. SERVICE: Pvt. in Lytles' Co. of the NC Regiment. Enlisted sometime in 1782 for 18 months., Purvis' Register, 7th Report NSDAR - pg. 22 #91298 19th Regt. under Col. Abraham Shepard, p. 171. Furnished the army provisions and supplies. Randolph Co., NC Apr. 29, 1792 Voucher No. 60. CHILDREN: Christopher, b. 1737, VA., m. Hanna -; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1750, NC, m. John Swaim; Jaretta, b. 8Mar. 1754, Rowan, NC, m. bef. Christmas 1770, Joseph Nation; Dorcas, b. 25 Nov. 1755, m. Benjamin Rush; Sampson, b. ca.1 Dec. 1757, Guilford, NC; Bethiah, b. 1 Feb. 1760, Guilford, NC, m. 27 Feb. 1779, Wm Robins. Descendant: Havens, Norma E. Carlson, No. 530544.


bullet  Events

• Military: 16 May 1771, Revolutionary War, Battle Of Alamance, North Carolina. 423

• Military: 1782, #60 Voucher For Provisions.

• He owned property in 1759 in Deep River, Earl Of Granvill Land Grant 151 Acres. 239

• He signed a will in 1787 in Randolph County, Asheboro, North Carolina. 424

• He had an estate probated in 1788 in Randolph County, Asheboro, North Carolina. 424


Marmaduke married Elizabeth Nation, daughter of John Jr. Nation and Bethiah Robins, about 1739 in Orange Co., Frederick, VA.422 (Elizabeth Nation was born about 1720 in Monmouth, New Jersey,422 died about 1788 in Randoph County, North Carolina 422 and was buried about 1788 on Plantation, Randolph County, North Carolina.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Reference Number:3044
Marriage Year: 1737
Marriage Location Code: VA

The gender of Marmaduke Vickery is male.
Birth Year: 1715
Birth Location Code: EN
The location code shown here is as originally provided to Broderbund - a one or two-character code, sometimes based on the first one or two letters of the location and sometimes based on other abbreviations. Unfortunately, these codes can not be accurately converted into a fully spelled-out form, due to potential conflicts in interpreting the codes. For example, the code "NE" could be New York, Nevada, or Netherlands. Therefore, we strongly recommend you take caution in making any assumptions about this location field. Please see the Introduction to this Archive for further information about locations.

Spouse: Elizabeth Nation
Birth Year: 1722
Birth Location Code: NJ

The original source document is located in the Yates Publication's archive. The original source may have additional information about the descendants and parentage of this couple. Please refer to the "Ordering Additional Information" chapter of the Introduction to this Archive for details on how to order additional information. Use the following data when submitting your order request to Yates Publishing Company.

Source Number: 3009.016
Source Type: Family group sheet, FGSE, listed as parents
Number of Pages: 1

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