Rachel Griffith 41
- Born: 5 Jul 1785, Hollidays Cove, West Virginia 41
- Marriage (1): Moses Gregory WFT Est 1799-1828 41
- Marriage (2): Thomas Chapman on 16 Jan 1803 in Brooke County, Virginia 41
- Died: 30 May 1842, New Cumberland, West Virginia aged 56 41
- Buried: Hollidays Cove, West Virginia 42,41,43,44
General Notes:
[work 28.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 45, Ed. 1, Tree #0493, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]
Birth date possibly May 6, 1785. Date of death also possibly June 20, 1848 or August 20, 1848.
Rachel married Moses Gregory WFT Est 1799-1828.41 (Moses Gregory was born WFT Est 1768-1788 41 and died WFT Est 1803-1874 in died of cholera 42,41,43,44.)
• Marriage Fact: husband died of cholera.
Rachel next married Thomas Chapman, son of George Chapman and Johanna Lemaster, on 16 Jan 1803 in Brooke County, Virginia.41 (Thomas Chapman was born in 1785 in Beckley County, West Virginia,41 died on 3 Apr 1845 in New Cumberland, West Virginia 41 and was buried in Ferry Farm, New Cumberland, Virginia 42,41,43,44.)
Marriage Notes:
[work 28.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 45, Ed. 1, Tree #0493, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]
Two infants are listed as born to this marriage; no other facts known about them. Marriage date possibly January 6, 1806.