Thomas Sumpter 52
- Born: 14 Aug 1736, Hanover County, VA 52
- Marriage: Mary Jameson in 1767 in SC 52
- Died: 1 Jun 1832, Sumter County, South Carolina aged 95 52
- Buried: Sumpter Plantation near Statesburg, SC 52
General Notes:
[work 27.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 45, Ed. 1, Tree #0839, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]
General Thomas Sumpter raised two illegitimate gramdchildren as his own - Capt. Wm. Sumpter and his sister, Mrs. Louisa Murrell.
• Fact 9: Fact 9, 1760, Moved to SC. 52
• American Civil War: Revolutionary War, War Pension Claim S.19115. 52
Thomas married Mary Jameson in 1767 in SC.52 (Mary Jameson was born in 1743 52 and died in 1819 52.)