James Sumpter
(1794-1861) |
James Sumpter 52
He received a pension Pension Claim # W.C. 34078. 52 Fact 10: After 1st wife died, moved to, Terra Haute, IN. 52 Fact 11: Moved, 1844, Hot Springs County, Arkansas. 52 American Civil War: War of 1812. 52 James married Susan Geren on 14 Jan 1819 in Knox County, TN.52 (Susan Geren was born WFT Est 1781-1807 52 and died on 9 Oct 1831 in Peoria, IL 52.) James next married Nancy Hopper on 14 Mar 1833 in Parke County, IN.52 The marriage ended in separation. (Nancy Hopper was born in 1810 52 and died in 1883 52.)
Marriage Fact: Deserted his 2nd wife and married young girl.. James next married Elizabeth Hilliard on 12 Sep 1838 in Hancock County, IN.52 (Elizabeth Hilliard was born in 1821 52 and died WFT Est 1863-1916 52.)
Marriage Fact: Applied for husband Pension, Discovered not legally married.. |