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John Lewis Papes
(WFT Est 1856-1961)


Family Links

Bess Belle Burress

John Lewis Papes 52

  • Born: WFT Est 1856-1884 52
  • Marriage: Bess Belle Burress on 28 Aug 1901 in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kansas 52
  • Died: 6 Feb 1961 aged 104 52

bullet  General Notes:

[work 27.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 45, Ed. 1, Tree #0839, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

Lived in Marion, IA


John married Bess Belle Burress, daughter of Franklin Abbot Burress and Alice Valeria Kiser, on 28 Aug 1901 in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kansas.52 (Bess Belle Burress was born on 13 Aug 1880 in Andale, KS 52 and died WFT Est 1911-1974 52.)

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