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William Millikan


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William Millikan 64

  • Born: 1720, Dromore, Down, Ireland 64
  • Marriage: Unknown in 1740 in Chester County, Pennsylvania 64
  • Died: 1800, Randoph County, North Carolina aged 80 64

bullet  General Notes:

[work 25.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 43, Ed. 1, Tree #1104, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

William was a zealous quaker, an advocate of liberty and took an active part in civil affairs. Justice of court nad holder of deeds. He was a Revolutionar War Patriot. Descendance of William are eligable to become members of SAR and DAR. DAR #597-142.


bullet  Events

• Military Status: Revolutionary War. 64

• Place Resided: Chester, Pennsylvania & Randolph, North Carolina. 64

• He was employed in Farmer. 64

• Church Affiliation: Quaker/Henshaw Quaker Records. 64


William married in 1740 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.64

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