Cullen Lucas Ballenger Earp 65
- Born: 1763, Virginia 65
- Marriage: Patsey Robertson on 14 Mar 1793 in Wake County, NC 65
- Died: After 1850, Upshur County, TX 65
General Notes:
[work 23.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 43, Ed. 1, Tree #1510, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]
Excerpt from "Roots of Jesse: The Biography of Jesse Martin Glasco, 1818 - 1886," pg. 3, by Jessie Faye Glasco Boucher:
"Many settlers were streaming into the new territory known as the Republic between the years 1835 and 1838. One in particular, James Earp, was born ca 1798 in Georgia. In 1835 he would have been about 37 years of age. Cullen and Patsy Earp had three sons, James, William, and Benjamin, in that order. Benjamin probably came to Texas with James on his first trip, prior to the 2nd day of May 1835."
Cullen married Patsey Robertson on 14 Mar 1793 in Wake County, NC.65 (Patsey Robertson was born WFT Est 1756-1781 65 and died WFT Est 1809-1869 65.)