George Scott Dykes 70
- Born: 26 Oct 1887 70
- Marriage: Sarah Lavina Heckerd WFT Est 1906-1931 70
- Died: 5 Jun 1943 aged 55 70
General Notes:
[work 20.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #2092, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]
Wells Co., IN. Cemetery Records Volume 1 A-L Fairview Cemetery - Lancaster Twp. - State Rd. 124, 3/4 Mile East Of Bluffton, IN.
Three Additional Children Died At Birth Or Shortly After.
• Ethnicity/Relig.: Presbyterian. 70
George married Sarah Lavina Heckerd WFT Est 1906-1931.70 (Sarah Lavina Heckerd was born on 29 Apr 1891 in Grant County, Indiana 70 and died in 1979 in Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana 70.)