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Henry Huffman
Catherine Baker
(WFT Est 1801-1884)
John Ruse
(WFT Est 1782-WFT Est 1836)
Phoebe Jennings
(WFT Est 1791-WFT Est 1836)
Frederick Huffman
Mary Ruse
Ezekiel Huffman


Family Links

Ezekiel Huffman 70

  • Born: 1868 70
  • Died: 1886 aged 18 70

bullet  General Notes:

[work 20.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #2092, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

Ira Brown - Funeral Director - Warren, IN
Journal and Coffin Records 1884-1898
17 Mar 1886 Coffin & case for Frederick Huffman's son, age 17 years. He lived in Jackson Twp., Wells Co., IN. The funeral was held in the Dunkard church by a Dunkard preacher.

Wells Co., IN. Cemetery Records 1968 Volume 1 A-L
Batson Cemetery - Jackson Twp. - County Rds. 750S 750W

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