Elijah R. Huffman 70
- Born: 1 Feb 1855 70
- Marriage: Mary Elizabeth Hamilton on 17 Nov 1878 70
- Died: 2 Mar 1925, Huntington County, Indiana aged 70 70
Cause of his death was Suicide By Hanging.
General Notes:
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[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #2092, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]
Biographical And Historical Records Of Adams And Wells Co., IN.
H. Brown and Son, Warren, IN Funeral Home Records 1891-1990 Volume I A-K Compiled by Lillie L. Harris 1995 Huffman, Elijah: b. 1 Feb 1855, d. 2 Mar 1925, bur. Woodlawn Cem., Warren, IN; Fa. John Huffman; Mo. Susanna Myers.
Obituary - Huntington, IN. Herald-Press - Monday, March 2, 1925 Huffman, Elijah R. Elijah R. Huffman, seventy years old, contractor of Warren, ended his life Monday morning about 6:30 o'clock by hanging himself from a rafter in the barn at his home on Fourth street. The body was found shortly after 7 o'clock by Jacob Huffman, a brother and Isaiah Barnes who had gone to the Huffman home with the intention of accompanying Mr. Huffman to Huntington on legal business. Death had occurred about 6:45 o'clock. Mr. Huffman had been in his usual health but was thought to have been worried about financial affairs. He had become deeply involved in the contracting business and recently a petition has been filed asking for a receiver for the Huffman Construction company which included Mr. Huffman and his son Curtis B. Huffman. That financial troubles caused Mr. Huffman to take his life is the opinion. Coroner Grover M. Nie investigated the affair and returned a verdict of suicide. Mr. Huffman arose Monday morning about 6:25 o'clock went to the basement to fix the fire and later started the morning meal. He left the house and did not return. Mrs. Huffman arose and was about the house as usual when Mr. Barnes called for her husband. She went to the barn to search for him and not finding him returned to the house. She made three other attempts to locate her husband at one time going into the barn and climbing a ladder to see if he was in the hay mow. When Mr. Huffman, the brother, arrived at the house he and Mr. Barnes went in search of Mr. Huffman and found him dead. Mr. Huffman had stood on a lard can, fastened a noose about his neck, and stepped off the can. His body was taken down and a doctor summoned in the hopes that life still remained in his body. The man was pronounced dead and the coroner was summoned. Mrs. Huffman stated Monday that her husband had not talked Monday morning which was unusual. The Huffman family came to Warren twenty years ago. Mr. Huffman was contractor for Jackson township roads and was engaged in the Warren creamery. He later organized the construction company. Surviving are the widow and two children, the son, C. B. Huffman and a daughter, Mrs. Oscar Morris of Mt. Zion. Brothers are Jacob of Warren, Lewis of Mt. Zion, and George of Fort Wayne. Mrs. Robert Campbell of Bluffton is a sister. The son is at present at Bremen, Ind. where a sewer is under construction.
Huffman Rites Thursday Funeral services for Elijah R. Huffman, who committed suicide Monday, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Christian church at Warren with the Rev. F. E. Rockwell in charge. Burial will be at Woodlawn cemetery.
Woodlawn Cemetery Records Volume 2 - Huntington Co., Warren, IN.
• Ethnicity/Relig.: United Brethren. 70
Elijah married Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, daughter of Alexander Hamilton and Anna Wright, on 17 Nov 1878.70 (Mary Elizabeth Hamilton was born on 30 Oct 1856 in Wells County, IN 70 and died on 3 Oct 1926 70.)
• Marriage Fact: 17 Nov 1878.