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Jonathon Henderson
(WFT Est 1740-WFT Est 1806)
Jane Thomas
(WFT Est 1747-WFT Est 1806)
James Henderson


Family Links

Elizabeth Reynolds

James Henderson 103

  • Born: 1796, Virginia 103,108
  • Marriage: Elizabeth Reynolds on 22 Sep 1818 in Tennessee 103
  • Died: 15 Aug 1877, Gutherie County, Iowa aged 81 103

bullet   Another name for James was Judge James Henderson.


bullet  General Notes:

[work 15.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #1667, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

James was a Protestant Irishman born in Tennessee. He may have been born in Virginia according to his obituary.


bullet  Events

• Fact 1: Fact 1, 12 Apr 1796, about this date for his birth. 103


James married Elizabeth Reynolds on 22 Sep 1818 in Tennessee.103 (Elizabeth Reynolds was born WFT Est 1783-1807 103 and died WFT Est 1839-1896 in Indiana 103.)

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