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Elmer Green Clampet
Emma Jane Coffel
James Bridges Taylor
(WFT Est 1848-WFT Est 1902)
Clarinda Harris
(WFT Est 1857-WFT Est 1902)
Raymond Lloyd Clampet
Lela Taylor
Madge Clarinda Clampet


Family Links

Arthur Philip Keller

Madge Clarinda Clampet 132

  • Born: 26 Dec 1919, Sesser, Illinois 132
  • Marriage: Arthur Philip Keller on 8 Mar 1938 in Perryville, MO 132
  • Died: 27 Oct 1989, Tamaroa, Perry, Illinois aged 69 132

bullet  Events

• Fact 1: Fact 1, Buried in Tamaroa Cemetary, IL. 132


Madge married Arthur Philip Keller on 8 Mar 1938 in Perryville, MO.132 (Arthur Philip Keller was born on 4 Oct 1915 132 and died on 24 Jan 1971 in Tamaroa, Perry, Illinois 132.)

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