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William Allen
(WFT Est 1839-WFT Est 1893)
Alice Johnson
(WFT Est 1848-WFT Est 1893)
Hiram Ulysses Logan Junkins
Mary Ellen Loucks
Robert Allen
(1890-WFT Est 1919)
Iva Cleo Junkins
Leola Ethyl Allen


Family Links

Roy Edward Yung

Leola Ethyl Allen 132

  • Born: 31 Oct 1913 132
  • Marriage: Roy Edward Yung on 7 Mar 1931 in Benton, Illinois 132
  • Died: 28 Oct 1990, Springfield, Greene, Illinois aged 76 132


Leola married Roy Edward Yung, son of George Yung and Mary Ellen McCollom, on 7 Mar 1931 in Benton, Illinois.132 (Roy Edward Yung was born on 11 Jan 1913 in Franklin County, Illinois 132 and died on 26 Feb 1970 in Chester, Illinois 132.)

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