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Newton Murray Fay
Julia Louise Fay
Harry Haight Huntly Herndon
Susie Elizabeth Fay
Mable Fay Herndon


Family Links

James Anthony Kenealy

Mable Fay Herndon 41

  • Born: 21 Feb 1891, California 41
  • Marriage: James Anthony Kenealy WFT Est 1905-1939 in California 41
  • Died: 1972, Sacramento, Sacramento, California aged 81 41


Mable married James Anthony Kenealy, son of James Joseph Patrick Kenealy and Cecelia G. Hallanan, WFT Est 1905-1939 in California.41 (James Anthony Kenealy was born WFT Est 1873-1901 in Sacramento, Sacramento, California 41 and died WFT Est 1927-1985 in California 41.)

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