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John J. Huffman
Sarah Caroline Payne
Henry Stinson
(WFT Est 1822-WFT Est 1876)
Anna Cox
(WFT Est 1831-WFT Est 1876)
Austin Ralph Huffman
Martha Matilda Stinson
Roy A. Huffman


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Roy A. Huffman 70

  • Born: 8 Oct 1893, Huntington County, Indiana 70
  • Died: 11 Dec 1968, Independence, Montgomery, Kansas aged 75 70

bullet  General Notes:

[work 20.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #2092, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

Obituary - Huntington, IN. Herald-Press - Tuesday, December 24, 1968
Roy A. Huffman
Roy A. Huffman, 75, native and former resident of Huntington County died unexpectedly on Wednesday, December 11, in Inependence, Kan. according to word received by relatives.
He was born October 8, 1893, near Warren to Austin and Martha M. Stinson Huffman. He was a veteran of World War I having served in France.
Mr. Huffman was a prominent insurance representative since 1937 and was associated with the Metropolitan Life Insurance and State Farm Insurance Companies. He had served as past president of the Life Underwriters Association. He retired in 1963.
Survivors are the widow, a daughter, a brother Don C. Huffman, Huntington; a sister, Mrs. Guy (Helen) Huber, Warren; a half-brother, James D. Oakley of Indianapolis, one niece and eight nephews.
Funeral services and burial were held in Independence, Kan.

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