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Thomas Clarke Rout
(WFT Est 1768-WFT Est 1828)
Sarah Rout
(WFT Est 1776-WFT Est 1829)
Isaac Barkley
(WFT Est 1794-WFT Est 1858)
Catherine Roseboom
(WFT Est 1802-WFT Est 1858)
Richard Clark Rout
Mary Ellen Zimmerman
Cynthia Edna Rout


Family Links

Timothy Titus Graham

Cynthia Edna Rout 103

  • Born: 27 Apr 1878, Lewiston, Missouri 103
  • Marriage: Timothy Titus Graham on 16 Oct 1898 in Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County 103
  • Died: 28 Aug 1979, Pueblo, Colorado aged 101 103

bullet   Another name for Cynthia was Aunt Ed Rout.


Cynthia married Timothy Titus Graham on 16 Oct 1898 in Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County.103 (Timothy Titus Graham was born WFT Est 1851-1882 103 and died in 1916 in Monte Vista, Colorado 103.)


• Marriage Fact: 1916.

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