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Thomas Clarke Rout
(WFT Est 1768-WFT Est 1828)
Sarah Rout
(WFT Est 1776-WFT Est 1829)
Richard Clark Rout


Family Links

Mary Ellen Zimmerman

Richard Clark Rout 103

  • Born: 14 Mar 1824, Holborn, St Andrew, London, England 103,118
  • Marriage: Mary Ellen Zimmerman on 24 Dec 1871 in Adams, Illinois 103,129
  • Died: 23 Oct 1905, Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County aged 81 103,113

bullet  General Notes:

[work 15.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #1667, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

Richard's first wife died in a cyclone, and his second wife died of TB. His third wife was Mary Ellen Barkley-Zimmerman.

I found a note from the pension papers filed by Mary Ellen signed by Richard Rout as a witness. He signed it "Justice of the Peace of Lewis County, Lewiston, Missouri".

1880 census of Lewis County shows Richard as a harness maker.


bullet  Events

• Fact 1: Fact 1, Richard was a twin with his brother James.. 103


Richard married Mary Ellen Zimmerman, daughter of Isaac Barkley and Catherine Roseboom, on 24 Dec 1871 in Adams, Illinois 103.,129 (Mary Ellen Zimmerman was born on 5 Nov 1841 in Ross County, OH 103 and died on 7 Jan 1895 in Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County 103,113.)


• Marriage Fact: 7 Jan 1895, Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County.

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