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Thomas Clarke Rout
(WFT Est 1768-WFT Est 1828)
Sarah Rout
(WFT Est 1776-WFT Est 1829)
Isaac Barkley
(WFT Est 1794-WFT Est 1858)
Catherine Roseboom
(WFT Est 1802-WFT Est 1858)
Richard Clark Rout
Mary Ellen Zimmerman
Clarence Milburn Rout


Family Links

Lillian Gertrude Bigelow

Clarence Milburn Rout 103

  • Born: 27 Jul 1872, Lewiston, Missouri 103
  • Marriage: Lillian Gertrude Bigelow on 18 Dec 1898 103
  • Died: 3 Feb 1938, Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County aged 65 103,113

bullet   Cause of his death was Cerebral Hemorage.

bullet   Another name for Clarence was Bud Rout.


bullet  General Notes:

[work 15.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #1667, Date of Import: Jun 5, 2002]

Death date and cause are from Fairview Cemetery records dated 3 FEB 1938.

bullet  Medical Notes:

Died at Rio Grande Hospital.


Clarence married Lillian Gertrude Bigelow, daughter of Edward E. Bigelow and Harriett P. Bodine, on 18 Dec 1898.103 (Lillian Gertrude Bigelow was born on 6 Sep 1872 103 and died on 19 Feb 1919 in Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County 103,114.) The cause of her death was Influenza/Bronchial pneumonia.


• Marriage Fact: 19 Feb 1919.

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