Arnett N. Clampett 168,169
- Born: 1 Jan 1879, Kansas 168,170
- Marriage: Leonara Baumgardner
- Died: 8 Jan 1944, Thermopolis, Hot Springs County, Wyoming aged 65 171,172
- Buried: Hilltop Cemetery, Thermopolis, WY 173
General Notes:
Office of Hot Springs County Welfare Department Thermopolis, Wyoming January 11, 1944 Mr. Frank Clampett Naponee, Nebraska Dear Mr. Clampitt: Yesterday morning we were called to the local Mortuary and told that your brother, A.N. Clampitt, had died some time Saturday night. We looked over his personal belongings and could find no letters more recent than 1931. For that reason we are not sure that you are still at the address given. Because thee was nothing to indicate that he had been keeping in touch with members of his family no attempt to reach you by telegram was made. Burial services were conducted this afternoon at two o'clock at the Hilltop Cemetery of Thermopolis. The Reverend A.C. Rostrun of the Community Church officiated. We are enclosing a flower from the casket piece that was donated by friends. There are some letters and some pictures here which we shall keep until we have word from you giving your instructions for their disposal. We are sorry that we have to send this kind of a message to you and your have the sympathy of this office. Very truly yours, /s/ (Mrs.) Ruth C. Martin, Director RCM:at cc: Alice Hardesty
Office of Hot Springs County Welfare Department Thermopolis, Wyoming January 24, 1944 Mr. Frank Clampett Box 215 Naponee, Nebraska Dear Mr. Clampett: Your reply to our letter about your brother came in the morning mail. When the coroner was called and found that your brother had died in his sleep on the night of January 8th, he called me and together we went through your brother's personal effects. There was no trunk and the suit case was of no value. He had a few clothes but none that we felt would be worth sending to anyone. He did have good things to be laid away in and as I have written your sister, Mrs. Hardesty, he looked very nice at the time of burial. This office took care of burial expense and, therefore, we know that the services were in good order. Your sister has requested that the letters and pictures found among his effects be sent to her. She did not know about the Bible apparently and I have just learned where it is. I shall see that it is sent on to you within a day or two. If there is any request you have that I can meet I shall be glad to be called upon. Very truly yours, /s/ (Mrs.) Ruth C. Martin, Director RCM:at Office of Hot Springs County Welfare Department Thermopolis, Wyoming February 29, 1944 Dear Mr. Clampitt: We have your letter of the 22nd, asking for information about your brother. From what we were able to learn at the time of his death, he had come in from ranch work about the middle of November. He took a room in a roominghouse and paid two months rent. Also he made arrangements for his meals. Then he was free to amuse himself. It seems that some time ago a doctor had told him that he would have to stop his drinking or he would die. So he was very careful about that. He did enjoy a game and spent a good deal of his time at a card table. We were told he had made one of the bartenders his "banker" for the money he brought in from the job..something like $400. The week before he died he began drinking a little. On the Thursday or Friday the sheriff was talking to his "banker" when he came in and asked if he didn't have $25 left. He was told he had, so he got that. The next day he was pretty drunk, and was trying to borrow a few dollars. From all accounts he went to his room Saturday afternoon, and when he didn't show up that evening or Sunday morning the matter was reported and the authorities found that he had died in the night. The coroner, Mr. Eastman, who is the local funeral director, took all of his things to his place when he removed the body. There was no money. So the undertaker called me to know if this office could pay for the burial. I went to the mortuary and made the necessary arrangements. Mr. Eastman and I went through your brother's things and found nothing of value. Even the letters (which we afterward sent to your sister in Oklahoma) were ten years or more old. This was the reason we made no attempt to reach anyone by wire. Burial was made in Hilltop Cemetery and the Rev. Rostron of the Community Church was in charge of the services. Men who had come to know Mr. Clampitt whenever he was in town acted as pallbearers. One of them, John Holder, might be able to give you more information, tho I rather doubt it. If there is any further data you would like to have that I can supply or learn for you, please do not hesitate to write. I did not know your brother, but was of course willing to do all that I could. Yours very truly,
• He has conflicting birth information of Alt. Birth, 1 Jan 1879 and Monmouth, Jackson County, IA. 174
• He appeared on the census in 1880 in Murray Twp, Marshall County, Kansas.
• He had a residence in 1915 in Sheridan, Wyoming. 175
Arnett married Leonara Baumgardner.