Alice Cordelia Clampett
(1867-1945) |
Alice Cordelia Clampett 179,180
She has conflicting birth information of Alt. Birth, 15 Dec 1870 and Iowa. 182 She appeared on the census in 1870 in Seneca, Nemaha County, KS. She appeared on the census in 1880 in Murray Twp, Marshall County, Kansas. She appeared on the census on 4 Jun 1900 in Bow Creek, Rooks County, KS. 182 She had a residence in Feb 1944 in Oklahoma. 183 She had a residence in 1915 in Fargo, Oklahoma. 178 Alice married Albert Clinton Hardesty on 23 Aug 1883.171 (Albert Clinton Hardesty was born on 27 May 1861 182 and died on 20 Jun 1950.) |