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Bartholomew Kindred
Milley Lively
(Abt 1762-Abt 1813)
James Hamilton Kindred
(Abt 1796-1849)
Judith Beasley
(Abt 1795-1870)
James Hamilton Kindred


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James Hamilton Kindred

  • Born: Feb 1821, Kentucky
  • Died: 4 Mar 1898, Wyoming, Carbon County aged 77

bullet  General Notes:

James had black hair and dark eyes. He stood 5'9" tall in the civil war. It is thought James Jr. was on the wagon train to Oregon with his parents. In 1850 census of Brown Co. IL. with 3 oldest sons. Was left $2.50 in his father's
will. Mortgaged his wagon and team of horses for $106.00 in Oct. 1850 to pay bill at Hurlbutt and Prevost store, but to retain possession until paid. Moved to Shantilla, Lincoln Co., MO where he was in the 1860 census. Applied for a pension in Carbon Co., WY TERR. in May 1890. Wrote and signed a personal letter in which he says he had returned to Mt. Sterling for 2 years, then moved to Pike Co. IL, then moved to northeast corner of MO for 1 year to help lay railroad to Fort Dodge. After that he moved to Pueblo, CO and did odd jobs with his team. In 1877 he went to WY and became a freighter . On a march from Spanish Fort to Montgomery he had carried his pack as well as his sons, since his son was sick. He had incurred piles and been bothered ever since. He received
$12.00 a month until death.

1870 Federal Census, Pike County, IL
James Kindred Jr head of house have no idea where he was.
Zerilda 40 KY - in Rockford, Atlas TWP
John 22 IL - Later that year working for Eli Harshman
James 20 IL Later that year working for Noah Harshman
Leon 14 IL Leon was later called Lee
Wesley 12 IL -
Blston 8 IL - had to be Newton B. born in 1862
Granville 25 IL - was a farm hand working for George Bradshaw 30 KY
In Pleasant Vale TWP was George Bradshaw 30 KY with his wife Isabelle 26 IL and daughter Luella 2/12 IL
James Jr back from the Civil War may have been helping orphaned nephews in Brown County, Illinois or he may have been looking for an occupation elsewhere.

bullet  Medical Notes:

Life span: 77 Years


bullet  Events

• He served in the military in 1864. CIVIL WAR -
At age 43 he enlisted in the Civil War at Louisiana, MO in Oct. 1864 for one year of service. Mustered in Company H 49th MO Infantry in Mexico, MO in November. Mustered out a year later at Montgomery, AL, retaining one Enfield rifle valued at $ 6.00. Applied for a pension in Carbon Co., WY TERR.
Organized at Warrenton, Mexico, Macon and St. Louis, MO., August 31,1864, to February 5, 1865. Attached to District of North Missouri, Dept, of Missouri, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 16th Army Corps (New), Military District of West Mississippi, to August, 1865. Dept. of Alabama to December, 1865.
SERVICE.-Duty in Northern Missouri on line of Northern Missouri Railroad, till January 30, 1865. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., January 30 -February 1, thence to New Orleans, LL, February 10-21. Campaign against Mobile, Ala., and its defences March 17- April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26- April 8. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 1325, and duty there till July 14, Companies "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," "F," "G" and "I" ordered to St. Louis, Mo., and mustered out August.2, 1865. Companies "H" and "K" on duty at Eufaula, Ala., till December, 1865. Mustered out December 20, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 4 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 96 Enlisted men by disease. Total 100.

Source of Data: "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, V.III" by Frederick H. Dyer, c1908, p.1338

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