Genealogical Questions |
How are you related to me? |
This is very often a difficult question to answer as the family
tree is more like a forest with lots of unconnected trees. However,
I will try to answer this where possible. |
Do you have any additional information about my family? |
The answer to this is usually no. All the information
available is published on the tree and the web site. Note however
that only
the first photograph (where available) is currently published on
the tree. It is hoped that additional photographs can be published
in the future, but this is dependant on the programmers of the genealogical
program. In the meantime all photographs are available through the Photo
Album section. |
Where did you get the information about my family? |
Mostly from the internet. In the early days when I had just started
I did not record where the information has come from, but now the
source is indicated wherever available. Also, the source(s) updates
are recorded and sometimes this means that some details may have
more than one source recorded |
How can I update the information? |
Read this page for further details |
Can I download the family tree or get extracts? |
Yes. Read this page for further details |
Can I see the details of the sources of the information? |
It is hoped that a future version of the genealogical program will
allow this information to be published, but in the meantime please
email your request to the webmaster |
Can I get a printed report showing my family on the tree? |
Yes. Just email your
request to the webmaster. A report in
Adobe pdf format will be placed on the website from where it can be
downloaded. This page is not available from the menu system and is
only provided on request |
General Questions |
How can I contribute to the web site? |
All contributions are welcome, financial and updates to the content, but especially your feedback. Read this page for further details |
Where do you live? |
I live in Reading in the United Kingdom. This is outside
London, in the Thames Valley near Windsor. Read more about the webmaster
by visiting his home pages link on the left of this page |
Technical and Development Questions |
When did the web site start |
Read the About section for the history of the site |
What program do you use to store the family tree? |
Legacy. Read this page for further
details about this program and how you can get a free copy |
What program do you use to develop the web site? |
Dreamweaver from Macromedia |
How did you create the menus? |
A program called DHTML Menu Builder. Also used to create the Site Map |
What program did you use for the photo albums? |
AlbumWeb Pro from PhotoActions |