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Richard Clampitt
Mathias Masten
(WFT Est 1732-WFT Est 1757)
Richard Edward Clampet
Elizabeth Masten
Mathias Masten Clampett


Family Links
1. Richard Edward Clampet & Elizabeth Masten
2. Richard Clampitt & Elizabeth Masten

Rebecca Nicholson

Mathias Masten Clampett 2,47,48,49,197

  • Born: 8 Aug 1790, North Carolina 27,66
  • Marriage: Rebecca Nicholson on 30 Apr 1815 in Stokes County, North Carolina 66
  • Died: 1837, Madison County, Alabama aged 47 27,66

bullet   Other names for Mathias were Mathias Clampet and Mathias Masten Clampitt 27.,66


bullet  General Notes:

Re: Clampett Descendants and Questions
Posted by: nancy reeves Date: January 27, 2001 at 07:20:45
In Reply to: Clampett Descendants and Questions by Annie of 173

Who has the verified Date that appears for Richard Clampitt.
I am looking at deed abstracts of DE and N.C and have viewed the Records in NC in the past few weeks for the clampitts.
Thomas Pratt and his wife came from Talbot Co. MD to Kent Co. DE about 1723
George Pratt and wife Mary Walker
had Dinah Pratt whom married Richard Clampitt
... These names are verified by deeds in TalbotCo., Kent Co. DEand Wills in Kent Co. DE.
Re: Clampett Descendants and Questions
Posted by: Annie Date: January 29, 2001 at 17:48:44
In Reply to: Re: Clampett Descendants and Questions by nancy reeves of 173

Nancy, Verification of dates for Richard CLAMPITT... I have not done. However, I do recall that quite some time ago I found a Richard CLAMPITT in Maryland, near the Delaware border, it was about our subject Richard's time, and wondered about him.

Here is copied exact, a small portion of an article I received today: "The Clampitts served in the Revolutionary War, (John Clampitt)Delaware. Other Clampitts were river boat pilots at Lewes, Delaware."

Lewes, Delaware appears to have been well inside SUSSEX County, Delaware since 1790... and not KENT. Interesting.... let me know if you find anything. How are you related to the Clampitt/ett/ets? Annie

Posted by: Rikki Love Date: April 27, 2000 at 14:23:43
of 173

Elisha CLAMPITT b. about 1782 Delaware marr. Mary BOWERS b. about 1783 Delaware.
m. 1813
Had the following children:
????? Clampitt b.1814
Martha Bowers Clampitt b. 1815
James L. Clampitt b. 1817, Alabama
Aphary Clampitt b. 1820
Elisha Clampitt b. 1828
Sarah Clampitt b. 1832
Henry Clampitt b. 1835
John Clampitt b. 1837
Elisha CLAMPITT is my GGGGGGrandfather. I am trying to find his parents and siblings, also the parents and siblings of Mary BOWERS. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Am willing to trade info.
Many THANK YOU'S in advance.

Nathan A. Clampitt md. Susannah Graves
Posted by: Terry Holt Date: October 02, 1999 at 07:45:34
of 173

Looking for information on Nathan A (Arnett?) Clampitt b. 1782, md.1803 in Davidson Co., TN to Susannah Graves. Nathan d. 24 Feb 1823, either Aymett Co., MS or St. Feliciana Parrish, LA. Susannah Graves Clampitt and children in Washington Co., TX on the Brazos in 1824. Daughrer Mary Ann md. Benjamin Eddins in LA in 1824 and went to Madison Co., AL.

Re: Nathan A. Clampitt md. Susannah Graves
Posted by: M Stewart Date: October 03, 1999 at 19:56:54
In Reply to: Nathan A. Clampitt md. Susannah Graves by Terry Holt of 173

Do you know where Nathan A. Clampitt and Susannah Graves Clampitt's daughter, Mary Ann Clampitt Eddins is buried? I have information that she and her husband Benjamin Eddins are buried in an abandonded cemetery near Toney, Madison Co., AL. On the LDS site, I see Joel H Dunlap has entered some info on where Susannah Graves Clampitt is buried. He said she was buried in Millican, TX. Do you have any more information on this?

Elizabeth Clampitt (Clampett)
Posted by: Judie Caroleo Date: April 30, 1999 at 17:36:24
of 173

Looking for ANY information on Elizabeth Clampitt, who married Caleb Campbell in the early 1800s. They settled in Wilkes/Ashe County NC. Family lore says that Elizabeth's people came from DE, but I have not been able to confirm this. She was my gg grandmother, and at this point, I have no more than her name to go on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Judie, Not sure if your Elizabeth is Granddaughter of Richard. Richard is from DE, but her date of birth doesn't fit with his 2 granddaughters that were Elizabeths.
I found in Family Tree Vol 2, information on Caleb Campbell, has her date of birth as Jan 22, 1811 and death as Aug 25, 1897 in Ashe Co. There is lots of information on the Campbell side, but just her name and b & d Dates. Has Caleb born Oct. 12 1799 and died Feb 1, 1885 Ashe Co. NC. If you don't have all this information on the Campbells, let me know and I could arrange to mail it to you.
My husband's line is from Richard's 2rd marriage, I will look over again to everything I have again to see if I can find an Elizabeth that was born at this time. But if not, I'll keep an eye open for you on her. Cherie
Subj: Re: Another "WINDER" name associated with some of our other relatives.
Date: 1/12/2002 1:33:43 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Marlin1869@cs.com
To: Daililli

I was glad to receive your post today since your addy was lost to me when I changed computers... in fact everything I had on it was lost when it went belly up.

And, you have probably forgotten, but Grams' genealogy papers were mostly lost in a Tulsa flood back in 1975. I recopied what little I had... in some cases just bits and pieces of names... These were stored at our lake house (about 75 miles from our "now" home) and packed away among some 200 boxes from fourteen years ago when we started remodeling the cabin.

In '89 my brother came home to die... then my mom had a very bad stroke... and we had to leave our project at the lake and move to Bartlesville. After my brother, and then mom died, we had to help raise our grandchildren... three baby girls. The project at the lake was a long forgotten dream, and I got to the point that I just couldn't mentally go over there... then, some burglars got in the cabin recently and created holy havoc going through everything... and I was more or less forced to go. Besides them taking some very expensive items, old photos were strung all over the floor... some had even been used to start a fire upstairs on the floor.

Grams' papers were not the original from Catherine, as those were lost in a house fire back in the late '20s in Texarkana. Then, in the '40s a lady genealogist (? ~ ha) visited Grams and told her that Hardy's father, Catherine's father-in-law, had deserted his spouse... and made her a "grass widow".... Grams told her "no, he had died in the 1840s" ~ needless to say Grams was extremely upset after this lady left... yammered to herself quite a bit about how wrong the lady had been... I merely asked the meaning of "grass widow"... and that got us started... she spent the time to reconstruct, and these were the papers mostly lost in the 1975 flood.

I'm telling you more than your interest, I realize. However, after mom had her stroke in 1993, her memories from childhood were retained, but not what she had done that very day an hour or two before. She was half blind and could no longer read without a glass and would get extremely frustrated. She started talking about a plantation somewhere back in time... and that was what got us started again on her family history and I made some notes, a lot of which were/are simply old stories about things that happened when she was a girl on the farm and things from the past.

When I got my computer back in '98 all I had to go on were mom's and my notes here at the house in B'ville... which included the Salem witch trials... Catherine burying her son during the Civil War... the Jack DANIEL (distillery) connection... Catherine's double weddings (Madison and Jackson counties) and these are absolutes, because I remember from Grams' lore and also found in the notes I had recopied, and stored at the lake house.

Earlier, my elderly cousin, Nona, had thrown in the French connection, plus the fact that Catherine had relatives in Louisiana... plus, someone in the family had helped survey the Louisiana Purchase (early 1800s)... she and mom both agreed on these things... and which I now cannot connect. I know from the "web" that a Mary Ann (think that's the name) CLAMPITT married a (George~?) EDDINS in East Felencia Parish Louisiana in early 1800s and she ended up in Madison County, Alabama ~ where Mathias was living before he died... who she was, I do not know... but bound to be connected somewhere. So far, this is the only "perhaps" Louisiana connection I've found that was not originally known.

As far as Catherine's brother, George, is concerned, I knew he had been near my Boone relatives in the northwest corner of Louisiana and had been a preacher... I just didn't know "which" brother. As to your Calvin... Grams had him listed simply as Caleb. Suppose he was Calvin Caleb or visa versa?

Back in '98 when I got my first computer, I corresponded with some people... some of whom were very, very nasty about some of my information and comments... so I just shut up real quick... I found it easier to play dumb and ask dumb questions on line. Today, I'm seeing more and more fouled up family trees being promoted on line that I've just about lost all confidence in the program of "on line" genealogy assistance... and some of this I must pay for to even read... which makes it even worse, in my opinion.

What I sent you today... I had finally posted on the TURPIN board at Genforum because those researchers all seem to be quite congenial. And, I did it because I cannot figure where, or if, Catherine LOVE came into the picture regarding our Solomon TURPIN. She was not mentioned in anything I have.

Several months ago, I finally sent Gray Harmon a note about the fact that our MASTENs were not Dutch, and came from John MARSTON in Mass. She never answered me back, but I see she has now changed Sarah TURPEN who married John MASTEN to "MRS" and deleted any reference to Solomon TURPIN. The DUTCH connection is still there. And, I'm sorry she took this attitude, because she is wrong... especially regarding the MASTENs being DUTCH...

I must ask you, does it seem logical that in one single generation back in the early 1700s that any Dutch MASTENs would go from Dutch christian names abruptly to English names? Not to me. As to the witch trials... how would Grams, Mom and Nona have known that a grandmother of Catherine's was accused, not hung, and only fined?

Well, guess I've yammered enough... please use what I sent as a guideline, as it was intended to be.



bullet  Events

• He has conflicting birth information of 19 Oct 1790.


Mathias married Rebecca Nicholson, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 30 Apr 1815 in Stokes County, North Carolina.66 (Rebecca Nicholson was born on 19 Apr 1792 in Stokes County, North Carolina 66 and died in 1880 in PineyTwp., Texas County, MO 66.)

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