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Richard Edward Clampet
Elizabeth Masten
Mathias Masten Clampett
Rebecca Nicholson
Catherine Anne Clampet


Family Links

Hardy Holman Sanders

Catherine Anne Clampet 47,48,49,197

  • Born: 22 Aug 1819, North Carolina
  • Marriage: Hardy Holman Sanders on 28 Sep 1835 in Madison County, Alabama 197

bullet   Another name for Catherine was Catherine Anne Clampitt.


bullet  General Notes:

Submitter: Annie Boone Subject: HARDY H. SANDERS Message: In 1835, HARDY HOLMAN SANDERS married CATHERINE ANNE CLAMPETT in Madison County Alabama. She was the daughter of Mathias Masten Clampett. But who were [this] Hardy's parents, supposedly from around Lost Creek, FRANKLIN COUNTY TENNESSEE?
Have found indication that Hardy and Catherine had a son also named Hardy born in 1850 at Lost Creek. Am aware they also had another son before 1850, around 1837, named ANDREW MASTEN SANDERS, my grandfather. To date, his birthplace and date are unknown. [My Grams told me it was Tennessee.]
Believe there were at least one set of twins from this union, plus other children.


bullet  Events

• She owned land of forty acres in DeKalb Co, Alabama. 197

• American Civil War: baked poison pies after 12/13 year old child was shot. 197 On web sites I've read that there was a "HIT LIST" after the Civil War, put out by the feds, which contained names of those that had been bad ~ does anyone know the names on "this" list? If any list exists ~ I would think my Great-Grams Catherine Clampet Sanders would be on it because of her poison pies that she baked after finding her 12-13 year old child, left at home to mold bullets, who had been shot by soldiers ~ a child she had to bury alone before seeing to her other children AND after baking her poison pies for the next soldiers that came by, in retribution of her sons death.


Catherine married Hardy Holman Sanders on 28 Sep 1835 in Madison County, Alabama.197 (Hardy Holman Sanders was born about 1815 in Tennessee and died by 1882.)


• Fact 1: travelled overnight for a second ceremony in, Jackson Co.

• Address: after wedding in Alabama, moved to live in, Lost Creek, Franklin County, TN.

• Address: by 1860, Alabama, Marshall Co.

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Apparently had 12 children

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