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Clampett Family Tree

Name List

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Clampitt, Mildred born 1915
Clampitt, Milford born 1 Nov 1885, Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Milly born 10 Jun 1805, Stokes County, North Carolina died WFT Est 1806-1899, Ashe County, West Jefferson , NC
Clampitt, Milton Porter born 1877, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Milton born 31 Aug 1907, Michigan died 10 Nov 1991, Zephyrhills, Pasco, Florida
Clampitt, Mimie Helen born Bef 1900
Clampitt, Mimie Helen born 28 Oct 1882, Illinois
Clampitt, Minard born 24 Jan 1900, Nevada died Oct 1974, Carroll Station, Churchill, Nevada
Clampitt, Minerva Catherine born Bef 1858
Clampitt, Minerva Catherine born 15 Apr 1841, Pike Co., Missouri died 30 Aug 1920, Mason Twp., Hannibal, Marion County, MO
Clampitt, Minnie Ann born Bef 1905
Clampitt, Minnie Ann born Abt 1881, Of, Hendricks, Indiana
Clampitt, Minnie C. born Est 1870
Clampitt, Minnie C
Clampitt, Mont born 16 May 1896, Iowa died Dec 1972
Clampitt, Morgan born Jul 1873, Washington County, Texas
Clampitt, Mort Mathias born Bef 1881
Clampitt, Mort born Bef 1888, Lakeview, Lake, Oregon
Clampitt, Mort born 25 Dec 1846, Indiana
Clampitt, Moses born Bef 1765
Clampitt, Moses born 1745, Kent County, Delaware
Clampitt, Mr born Bef 1860
Clampitt, Mr born Abt 1770, Guildford County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Mr born Bef 1560, Lancashire, England
Clampitt, Mrs Hugh born 1560, Lancashire, England
Clampitt, Mrs Hugh born Bef 1580
Clampitt, Mrs Martha born 1835, North Carolina
Clampitt, Mrs born 1744, Kent County, Delaware
Clampitt, Mrs born 1774, Guildford County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Muriel Babbacombe born 20 Jun 1905, Devon, England died 18 Dec 1972
Clampitt, Myrtie born Apr 1886, Indiana
Clampitt, Myrtle Ann born 4 Aug 1889, Monteith, Guthrie, Iowa
Clampitt, Myrtle born 30 Dec 1883, Illinois died 15 Oct 1967, Burton, Adams, Illinois
Clampitt, Myrtle born 1849-1890
Clampitt, Mythenia born Abt 1855
Clampitt, Nancy Ann born 1838, Indiana
Clampitt, Nancy Elvira born Nov 1844, Stokes County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Nancy Emmaline born 1 Feb 1834 died WFT Est 1860-1928
Clampitt, Nancy Evoline born 1842, Macon County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Nancy Joan born 17 Jun 1941, Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana
Clampitt, Nancy Joanne born 17 Jun 1941, Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana
Clampitt, Nancy Lea born 23 May 1942, Gooding, Idaho died 6 Mar 1944, ID
Clampitt, Nancy M born 11 Oct 1868, Indiana
Clampitt, Nancy Maria born 2 Mar 1861, St Clair County, Illinois
Clampitt, Nancy Marie born Bef 1880
Clampitt, Nancy born 1754, Kent County, Delaware
Clampitt, Nancy born 21 Sep 1927, Indiana died Nov 1975, Indianapolis, Indiana
Clampitt, Nancy born 24 Mar 1876, Kansas died Jul 1969
Clampitt, Nannie born 1847, Indiana
Clampitt, Naomi born 17 Jan 1918, Illinois died Aug 1989, Bannockburn, Lake, Illinois
Clampitt, Nathan A born Abt 1816, Wilson, Tennessee
Clampitt, Nathan W born 1860, Washington County, Texas
Clampitt, Ned born 3 Sep 1855, Indiana, Jackson County died 31 Aug 1927, Indiana, Jackson County
Clampitt, Nellie H born Abt 1858, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Nellie H born 1853, Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Nellie born 2 Sep 1908, Michigan died 31 Oct 1998, Pinellas Park, Pinellas, Florida
Clampitt, Nelson born 27 Oct 1918, Indiana died 25 Jan 1996, Crawfordsville, Montgomery, Indiana
Clampitt, Nettie E born Abt 1870, Paignton, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nettie born 3 Dec 1861, Pike Co., Missouri died 27 May 1880, Parsons, Labette County, KS
Clampitt, Nicholas J born Abt 1873, Newton Abbot, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas chr. 8 Mar 1807, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas born Bef 1782
Clampitt, Nicholas chr. 4 Oct 1821, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas chr. 16 Aug 1829, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas chr. 8 Mar 1807, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas chr. 25 Jul 1841, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas born Bef 1649, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas born Bef 1784, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas born Bef 1810
Clampitt, Nicholas born Bef 1793, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Nicholas born Bef 1635
Clampitt, Nicolas
Clampitt, Nina born Dec 1886, Kansas
Clampitt, Nina born 1861 died 1930, <Wright Bethel Cemetery, east of Waugh, Boone County, Indiana>
Clampitt, Nine born 1861 died 1930, <Wright Bethel Cemetery, east of Waugh, Boone County, Indiana>
Clampitt, Nora born 1849-1890
Clampitt, Norman born 1 Apr 1901, North Carolina died Apr 1978, Alarka, Swain, North Carolina
Clampitt, Nova born 13 Jun 1918, Kansas died 1 Aug 1991, Keizer, Marion, Oregon
Clampitt, Obadiah I born Bef 1859
Clampitt, Obadiah Jackson born 1815, St Clair County, Illinois
Clampitt, Obadiah Jackson born 1808, Wilson, Tennessee died 24 Jun 1888, Rockbridge, Greene, Illinois
Clampitt, Odell born 4 Sep 1926, Oklahoma died 23 Dec 1990
Clampitt, Olenna born 1875 died WFT Est 1876-1969
Clampitt, Olga born 16 Oct 1906, Indiana died Dec 1986, Cambridge City, Wayne, Indiana
Clampitt, Olin Arthur born 26 Sep 1910, Lawrence County, Indiana died 21 Aug 1977, Norman Station, Jackson County, Indiana
Clampitt, Olin born After 1898
Clampitt, Olive G born 1889, Modoc, California
Clampitt, Oma born 6 Jan 1906, New Mexico died 30 Jul 1992, Clinton, Henry, Missouri
Clampitt, Omer Woodrow born 6 Sep 1912, Indiana died 2 Mar 1945, Iwo Jima
Clampitt, Onis A born 5 Jul 1913, Indiana died Nov 1980, Scotch Plains, Union, New Jersey
Clampitt, Onis Howard born 5 Jul 1913, Indiana died Nov 1980, Scotch Plains, Union, New Jersey
Clampitt, Opal Oneta born 20 Oct 1923 died 23 Feb 1990
Clampitt, Ora May born 25 May 1883, Monteith, Guthrie, Iowa
Clampitt, Ora born 28 Nov 1880, Jackson, Indiana died 6 May 1886
Clampitt, Orel born 2 Apr 1908, Oklahoma died Jul 1987, Banning, Riverside, California
Clampitt, Orlena born Bef 1923
Clampitt, Orlena born Abt 1900, Indiana died After 1909
Clampitt, Orma born 9 Jun 1894, Indiana died Jan 1987, Lebanon, Boone, Indiana
Clampitt, Orval C born Bef 1931
Clampitt, Orval Charles born 25 Oct 1910, Jackson, Indiana died 8 Dec 1979, Indianapolis, Indiana
Clampitt, Orval born 13 Dec 1908, Oklahoma died 19 Jan 1994, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
Clampitt, Orvil Charles born 25 Oct 1910, Jackson, Indiana died 8 Dec 1979, Indianapolis, Indiana
Clampitt, Orville L born 1905, Indiana
Clampitt, Orville born 4 Apr 1861, Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Orville born 4 Jun 1904, Illinois died 14 Nov 1997, Burton, Adams, Illinois
Clampitt, Orville born 21 Sep 1894, California died Jul 1987, Vista, San Diego, California
Clampitt, Ossie born Feb 1890, Jackson, Indiana died 12 Aug 1956
Clampitt, Otho born 25 Aug 1892, Tennessee died Jun 1980, Jackson, Madison, Tennessee
Clampitt, Otis Pearl born 9 Mar 1886, Kemper, Jersey, Illinois
Clampitt, Otis born 9 Mar 1886, Macoupin, Illinois died Jan 1967, St Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida
Clampitt, Patricia Caroline born 18 Nov 1949
Clampitt, Paul born 25 Jul 1901, Illinois died Apr 1984, Bentley, Hancock, Illinois
Clampitt, Pauline born 2 Mar 1891, Iowa died Mar 1979, St Cloud, Stearns, Minnesota
Clampitt, Pearl Jane born Abt 1886, Of, Lawrence, Indiana
Clampitt, Pearl Jane born 29 Sep 1881, Salt Creek Township, Jackson County, Indiana died 19 Mar 1972
Clampitt, Pearl born 9 Mar 1886, Macoupin, Illinois
Clampitt, Pearl born 9 Oct 1912, California died Jun 1983, San Diego, CA
Clampitt, Pearl born 10 Sep 1890, Wisconsin died Sep 1982
Clampitt, Pearl born 3 May 1898, Iowa died 15 May 1969, Hale, Jones, Iowa
Clampitt, Peggy born 24 Jun 1946, Kansas died 22 Jul 1997, Rogers, Benton, Arkansas
Clampitt, Peter Wesley born 23 Jul 1994
Clampitt, Peter born 27 Sep 1935, East Grinstead, Sussex, England
Clampitt, Phebe born Bef 1708
Clampitt, Phebe born 14 Aug 1831, Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Phil born 3 Jun 1934, Missouri died 27 Jun 1996, Humansville, Polk, Missouri
Clampitt, Phil born 10 Aug 1900, Missouri died 14 Jan 1992
Clampitt, Philip born Oct 1850, St Thomas, Devon, England
Clampitt, Phillip Edgar born 23 Sep 1898, Chelan, Chelan, Washington died Jun 1976, Chelan, Chelan, Washington
Clampitt, Phillip born 2 May 1921, Iowa died Sep 1969, Hale, Jones, Iowa
Clampitt, Phillips Theodore born 1930
Clampitt, Phoebe born 16 Sep 1824, North Carolina
Clampitt, Phoebe born Bef 1845
Clampitt, Phyllis Ann born 14 Dec 1959, Denton, Denton County, Texas died 27 Dec 1960, Denton, Denton County, Texas
Clampitt, Polly born 27 Jul 1907, Odessa Twp, Jewell County, Kansas died 4 Apr 1982, Ozark, Christian County, Missouri
Clampitt, Polly born 27 Jul 1907, Missouri died Apr 1982, Finley, Christian, Missouri
Clampitt, Polly born 1811, Wilson, Tennessee died 11 Dec 1834, St Clair County, Illinois
Clampitt, Pressley born 27 Nov 1883, Texas died Jul 1977, Wichita Falls, Wichita, Texas
Clampitt, R born 3 Aug 1934, Texas died 15 Dec 1991
Clampitt, R born 1 Aug 1901, Kansas died Dec 1975, Elkhart, Morton, Kansas
Clampitt, R born 8 Apr 1946, Oregon died Jan 1992
Clampitt, Rachael born 18 Jul 1811, North Carolina
Clampitt, Rachel Ann born Bef 1867
Clampitt, Rachel Ann born 30 Jan 1852, Clark, Indiana
Clampitt, Rachel Minerva born Bef 1909
Clampitt, Rachel Minerva born 26 Oct 1894, Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon
Clampitt, Rachel born 1746, Mispillion Hundred, Kent, Delaware
Clampitt, Rachel born 8 Oct 1876, Indiana died Jun 1967, Jefferson Proving Ground, Jefferson, Indiana
Clampitt, Rachel born 1869 died 1954, <Wright Bethel Cemetery, east of Waugh, Boone County, Indiana>
Clampitt, Rachel born Bef 1818
Clampitt, Ralph Emery born 22 Feb/May 1917, Twin Falls, Idaho died Aug 1973, Bainbridge, Putnam, Indiana
Clampitt, Ralph Roscoe born 8 Jul 1880, New Providence, Hardin County, Iowa died 1 May 1965, Eldora, Hardin County, Iowa
Clampitt, Ralph born Bef 1905
Clampitt, Ralph born 12 Jul 1910, California died Mar 1965
Clampitt, Ralph born 24 Jan 1906, California died 23 May 1999, Alhambra, Los Angeles, California
Clampitt, Ralph born 25 Mar 1914, Florida died 28 Dec 1994, Palm Harbor, Pinellas, Florida
Clampitt, Ray born 2 Apr 1908, Payne Co Stillwater Oklahoma died 2 Apr 1908, Payne Co Stillwater Oklahoma
Clampitt, Ray born 6 May 1934, McCone County, Montana died 14 Nov 1947, Richland, Montana (RICHLAND)
Clampitt, Rebecca M born 1812, Wilson, Tennessee
Clampitt, Rebecca born Bef 1869
Clampitt, Rebecca born 1755, Kent County, Delaware
Clampitt, Rebecca born 1838, Macon County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Rebecca born 1844, Alabama
Clampitt, Rebecca born 1813, Tennessee
Clampitt, Rebecca born Bef 1834
Clampitt, Rebecca chr. 9 Mar 1609/10, Bishops Tawton, Devon, England
Clampitt, Rebecca born 1812, Pendleton, South Carolina
Clampitt, Rebecca born 1780 bur. 9 Oct 1833
Clampitt, Red born 25 Aug 1887, Denton, Denton County, Texas died 22 Aug 1963, <Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kansas>
Clampitt, Reginald Richard born 3 Dec 1908, Moretonhampstead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Rena born 31 Jul 1887, Indiana died Nov 1965
Clampitt, Renfro born 28 May 1911, North Carolina died 1 Feb 1996, Canton, Haywood, North Carolina
Clampitt, Reuben born 5 Jan 1889, Texas died Aug 1969, Hallsville, Harrison, Texas
Clampitt, Rhoda born Abt 1875, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard C born 9 Sep 1812, Stokes County, North Carolina died Abt 1875, Illinois
Clampitt, Richard Ezekiel born 1835, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Richard Ezekiel born Bef 1864
Clampitt, Richard Ezekiel born Bef 1865, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Richard Ezekiel born Bef 1870
Clampitt, Richard F born Bef 1846
Clampitt, Richard Finley born 1900, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Richard G born 1833, Washington County, Texas
Clampitt, Richard Hobson born Oct 1898, Biggs, Butte, California
Clampitt, Richard J born 9 Sep 1812, Stokes County, North Carolina died Abt 1875, Illinois
Clampitt, Richard Norton born 16 May 1970, Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax County, Virginia
Clampitt, Richard Norton born 20 Feb 1937, Washington DC
Clampitt, Richard Roy born 7 Dec 1925, New Providence, Hardin County, Iowa died 13 Dec 1981, Rochester, Olmstead County, Minnesota
Clampitt, Richard Wreford born Bef 1841
Clampitt, Richard Wreford born Est 1812
Clampitt, Richard Wreyford born Bef 1842, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard chr. 26 Oct 1600, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard chr. 24 May 1674, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard chr. 21 Mar 1660/61, Hennock, Devon, England bur. 18 May 1668, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1680, Hennock, Devon, England bur. 16 Apr 1680, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1690, Hennock, Devon, England bur. 2 Sep 1690, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard born 29 Jan 1925, Missouri died Dec 1977
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1848
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1897
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1778
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1832
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1818
Clampitt, Richard born Abt 1802, North Carolina
Clampitt, Richard born 20 Jan 1743/44, Mispillion Hundred, Kent, Delaware
Clampitt, Richard born Abt 1841, Indiana
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1895
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1898, Chelan, Chelan, Washington
Clampitt, Richard born 20 Jan 1748/49, Scotland died 3 Aug 1820, Stokes County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Richard born WFT Est 1793-1822, Terra Haute, IN died WFT Est 1847-1907
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1679
Clampitt, Richard born 9 Aug 1900, Texas died Feb 1978, Houston, Harris County, Texas
Clampitt, Richard chr. 24 May 1674, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1704
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1663
Clampitt, Richard chr. 21 Mar 1659/60, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1674, Moretonhampstead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard chr. 21 Apr 1674, Moretonhampstead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1810
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1783
Clampitt, Richard born 1720, Scotland
Clampitt, Richard born 8 Sep 1945, Missouri died 10 Apr 1997
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1831
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1799
Clampitt, Richard born Bef 1836, Ashe County, West Jefferson , NC
Clampitt, Richard born Sep 1872, Indiana died After 1909
Clampitt, Richard born 20 May 1793, Stokes County, North Carolina died Abt 1885, Indiana
Clampitt, Richard born Abt 12 Feb 1635/36
Clampitt, Richard born Abt 26 Oct 1600
Clampitt, Richard born 20 Jan 1747/48, Kent County, Delaware died 8 Aug 1820, Kernersville, Forsyth, North Carolina
Clampitt, Richard born 20 Sep 1793, Stokes County, North Carolina died Bef 1819, Carmel, Hamilton, Indiana
Clampitt, Richard born 9 Sep 1812, North Carolina
Clampitt, Richarde chr. 12 Feb 1635/36, Hennock, Devon, England died Bef 1698
Clampitt, Ridley born 1887, Belleville, St Clair, Illinois
Clampitt, Robert C born 1847, Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Robert Charles born 23 Jan 1929, Blackwell, OK died 7 Jul 1981, <Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kansas>
Clampitt, Robert Clifton born 1895, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Robert Ezekiel born 1867, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Robert Ezekiel born Bef 1892, Maury County, Tennessee
Clampitt, Robert Jay born 27 Dec 1947, Wolf Point, Roosevelt, Montana died 4 Feb 1984, Helena, Montana (LEWIS & CLARK)
Clampitt, Robert Shawyer born 1926-1936, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert W born Abt 1850, Washington County, Texas
Clampitt, Robert born 17 Feb 1928, Iowa died 8 Jul 1994, Fresno Flats, Fresno County, CA
Clampitt, Robert born 7 Sep 1936, California died Oct 1984
Clampitt, Robert born 12 Jun 1927, Indiana died 31 Mar 1992, Baker, Owen, Indiana
Clampitt, Robert born Oct 1894, Wharton, Texas
Clampitt, Robert born Jul 1878, Independence, Washington County, Texas
Clampitt, Robert born 27 Jan 1927, Florida died 8 Aug 1996, Washington DC
Clampitt, Robert born 6 Aug 1884, Iowa died Dec 1971, Ames, Story, Iowa
Clampitt, Robert born Abt 1846, Bishopsteignton, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1748
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1749
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1831
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1798
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1727, Moretonhampstead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert chr. 14 May 1797, Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert chr. 9 Feb 1873, St Peter, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1719
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1776, Widecombe In The Moor, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1820, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert born 27 Aug 1947, Washington died 3 Dec 1999
Clampitt, Robert born 17 Aug 1915, North Carolina died 21 Aug 1991
Clampitt, Robert chr. 2 Apr 1727, Cross Or New Meeting-Presbyterian, Moretonhampstead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1801, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Robert born 13 Jul 1917, Nebraska died Oct 1951
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1970
Clampitt, Robert born Bef 1807, Plymouth, Devon, England
Clampitt, Ronald born Bef 1970
Clampitt, Rosa M born Bef 1880
Clampitt, Rosa May born 1862, Cladwell, Missouri
Clampitt, Rosa born 20 Dec 1883, Oklahoma died Aug 1974, Duncan, Stephens, Oklahoma
Clampitt, Rosamond born 2 Aug 1904, California died 13 Apr 1999, Meadow Vista, Placer, California
Clampitt, Roscza born 8 Sep 1903, Wyoming died May 1981, Eastmont, Snohomish, Washington
Clampitt, Rose Ann born Jan 1840, St Thomas, Devon, England
Clampitt, Rose born 1778, Christow, Devon, England bur. 1779
Clampitt, Rosemary born 21 Feb 1915, New Mexico died 15 Dec 1995, Fernley, Lyon, Nevada
Clampitt, Rosie born 2 Sep 1887, Texas died 15 Mar 1968, Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Clampitt, Roy Justin born 6 Apr 1888, Pasadena, Los Angeles County, CA died 16 Dec 1973, Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
Clampitt, Roy born 2 Apr 1908, Payne Co Stillwater Oklahoma died 2 Apr 1908, Payne Co Stillwater Oklahoma
Clampitt, Roy born 28 Dec 1924, Coombeinteignhead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Roy born 1884, Belleville, St Clair, Illinois
Clampitt, Roy born 1890, Of, Belleville, St Clr, Illinois
Clampitt, Roy born 1890, Greene County, Illinois
Clampitt, Roy born 21 Nov 1899, California died Dec 1975, Newman, Stanislaus, California
Clampitt, Roy born 2 Apr 1888, Indiana died Jul 1963
Clampitt, Royal born May 1868, Birtharant County, Missouri
Clampitt, Ruby born 1890, Of, Belleville, St Clr, Illinois
Clampitt, Ruby born 6 Mar 1902, Missouri died 2 Jul 1989, Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK
Clampitt, Ruby born 17 Jul 1904, Montana died 14 Sep 1990
Clampitt, Ruby born 2 Dec 1900, Texas died 3 May 1996, Los Angeles, California
Clampitt, Ruby born 4 Nov 1898, Texas died 2 Aug 1990, Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas
Clampitt, Rusella Inez born 29 Jun 1883, Collwell County, Missouri
Clampitt, Russel born 1849-1890
Clampitt, Russell Frank born 4 May 1903, Eclipse, Jackson County, Indiana died 31 Dec 1951, Trona, San Bernardino C, California
Clampitt, Russell L born May 1898, Indiana
Clampitt, Russell William born 19 Jun 1956, Columbia Hospital For Women, Washington DC
Clampitt, Russell born 3 Oct 1924, Minnesota died 1 May 1993, Arden Hills, Ramsey, Minnesota
Clampitt, Russell born 5 Mar 1940, Missouri died Jul 1981, Doniphan, Ripley, Missouri
Clampitt, Russell born 10 Feb 1911, Connecticut died Feb 1981, Arlington, Tarrant, Texas
Clampitt, Russell born 21 May 1906, Nebraska died Jul 1980, Chillicothe, Livingston, Missouri
Clampitt, Ruth born 12 Jan 1924, Washington died 15 Jan 1998, Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
Clampitt, Ruth born 1743, Mispillion Hundred, Kent, Delaware
Clampitt, Ruth born 16 Oct 1812, Stokes County, North Carolina died WFT Est 1839-1907
Clampitt, Ruth born 3 Feb 1899, Indiana died Oct 1977, Norman Station, Jackson County, Indiana
Clampitt, Ruth born 26 Nov 1899, Washington died 27 May 1994, Fayetteville, Fayette, Georgia
Clampitt, Ruth born 13 Apr 1901, Texas died Jul 1971, Ballinger, Runnels, Texas
Clampitt, Ruth born 1870, Indiana
Clampitt, S N born Bef 1872
Clampitt, S Jeanette born 3 Dec 1861, Pike Co., Missouri died 27 May 1880, Parsons, Labette County, KS
Clampitt, Sallie born 10 May 1896, North Carolina died Aug 1986, Burl, Alamance, North Carolina
Clampitt, Sally J born Aug 1892
Clampitt, Sally M born 27 Jan 1869, Westfield, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Sally chr. 16 Jan 1819, Chagford, Devon, England
Clampitt, Sally born Abt 1832
Clampitt, Saluda born 27 Dec 1889, Oklahoma died 9 Jul 1990
Clampitt, Sammie born 14 Feb 1913, Montana died Jun 1982, Weston, Lewis, West Virginia
Clampitt, Sammull born Bef 1708
Clampitt, Samuel Franklin born 9 Feb 1881, Monteith, Guthrie, Iowa died 15 Jun 1968, Pomona, Los Angeles, California
Clampitt, Samuel Harmon born 1 Jun 1886 died WFT Est 1922-1977
Clampitt, Samuel John born 2 May 1979
Clampitt, Samuel Riley born Bef 1886, Macoupin, Illinois
Clampitt, Samuel Riley born 14/19 Jul 1852, Medora, Macoupin, Illinois died 1949, Medora, Macoupin, Illinois
Clampitt, Samuel Riley born 1849-1890
Clampitt, Samuel born 21 May 1864 died WFT Est 1865-1954
Clampitt, Samuel born 1839 died 16 Jul 1871, Plymouth, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 25 Dec 1805, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Abt 1800, Hennock, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Abt 1800, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England died Bef 1881
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 1 Jun 1758, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born 5 Apr 1801, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1854
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1815, St Clair County, Illinois
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 20 Mar 1814, St Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1867
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 22 Mar 1835, St John And St. Mary, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1726
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1835
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1797
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1788
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 25 Dec 1805, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1767
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 28 Jun 1795, Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 13 Jul 1801, St Olave, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1829, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 6 Dec 1829, St John And St. Mary, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 21 Jul 1734, Cross Or New Meeting-Presbyterian, Moretonhampstead, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 16 Jan 1814, St Dunstan, Stepney, London, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1753
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1791, St Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born Bef 1830, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel chr. 19 Apr 1789, St Mary Major, Exeter, Devon, England
Clampitt, Samuel born 5 Jan 1874, California died Sep 1960
Clampitt, Samuel born 1816, Wilson, Tennessee died 9 Feb 1831, St Clair County, Illinois
Clampitt, Samuel born Abt 1848
Clampitt, Sandra born 9 Jan 1941, Michigan died 26 May 2000
Clampitt, Saphronia Allen born 13 Jan 1838, Sumner County, Tennessee died 26 May 1901, Texas
Clampitt, Sarah Ann born 14 May 1854, Arkansas
Clampitt, Sarah Ann born Abt 1853, Arkansas
Clampitt, Sarah E born 1840, Stokes County, North Carolina
Clampitt, Sarah E born Abt 1847, Owen Twp, Jackson Co, Indiana died After 1849
Clampitt, Sarah Elizabeth born Bef 1866
Clampitt, Sarah Ellen born 6 Feb 1925 died 28 Feb 1984
Clampitt, Sarah Emily born 26 May 1869, Lawrence County, Indiana died 1930
Clampitt, Sarah Helen born 16 Oct 1984
Clampitt, Sarah I born 1857, Indiana
Clampitt, Sarah J born 1857, Indiana
Clampitt, Sarah Jane born 8 May 1825, Wayne, Indiana
Clampitt, Sarah Jane born 21 Feb 1848, Hamilton County, Indiana died 29 Jun 1884, Hamilton County, Indiana
Clampitt, Sarah born 27 Jan 1802, North Carolina
Clampitt, Sarah born Bef 1834

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