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Clampett Family Tree

Name List

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Sonner, Norah "Nora" Jane Elizabeth born WFT Est 1842-1865 died 10 Jun 1935, Wells County, IN
Soper, Jane born Abt 1650, Lustleigh, Devon, England
Soures, Frances Icelona born WFT Est 1848-1871 died WFT Est 1893-1959
Southern, Susie E born Bef 1866
Sowder, Mary Jane born 27 Aug 1863, Rockcastle, KY died 22 Oct 1944, <Morton Memorial Cemetery, Texas>
Sowder, Molly born 27 Aug 1863, Rockcastle, KY died 22 Oct 1944, <Morton Memorial Cemetery, Texas>
Sowder, Willie Ruth born 14 Oct 1905, Era, Cooke County, Texas died 3 Sep 1976, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri
Sowel, M D born Bef 1894
Sowell, Kim Rene
Sowell, Lisa Ann
Sowell, Woodrow Jack
Spann, Mary Elizabeth born WFT Est 1824-1847 died WFT Est 1870-1936
Spann, Salomon C. born WFT Est 1782-1822 died WFT Est 1824-1902
Sparks, Jack
Sparks, James R. born WFT Est 1871-1903 died WFT Est 1912-1983
Sparks, Kelly Marie
Sparks, Ty Marcus
Sparks, Willa Lynn
Spath, William born WFT Est 1848-1868 died WFT Est 1882-1954
Spear, Mary (Collier) born 7 Mar 1701/02 died WFT Est 1745-1797, Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachuse
Spencer, Matilda born Est 1897
Spicer, born WFT Est 1854-1887 died WFT Est 1881-1969
Splatt, Margarett born Bef 1673
Spoon, Ora Belle born 2 Jan 1885 died 29 Mar 1953
Springer, Lillie May born 27 Jul 1894, Alabama died 22 Nov 1974, Denton, Denton County, Texas
Sproule, Nancy born WFT Est 1823-1847 died WFT Est 1869-1937
Stack, Charlotte
Stack, Lovina\Lavina born 22 Nov 1829, North Carolina
Stacy, Mahlon born 1638, Yorkshire, England died 1704, Mercer County, New Jersey
Stacy, Sarah born 1672, England died WFT Est 1716-1767, Pennsylvania
Stafford, Adam born Abt 1783, North Carolina
Stafford, Adam born Abt 1707, Currituck County, North Carolina died 1791, Caswell County, North Carolina
Stafford, Adam born Abt 1750, North Carolina
Stafford, Albert Jackson born 22 Apr 1885, Cherry Valley, Arkansas died 12 Feb 1940, St Louis, Missouri
Stafford, Ann (Sarah) born Abt 1641, Virginia died WFT Est 1679-1736
Stafford, Ann born 1670, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, Virginia died WFT Est 1671-1764
Stafford, Ann born WFT Est 1682-1708, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1687-1791
Stafford, Cynthia born Abt 1812, Casswel L County, North Carolina
Stafford, Daniel Jackson born 22 Dec 1816, North Carolina died 25 Dec 1880, Arkansas
Stafford, Delilah born Abt 1773
Stafford, Dinah born Abt 1721, Beaufort, North Carolina died WFT Est 1722-1815
Stafford, Edward born 1666, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1667-1756
Stafford, Edward born Abt 1717, Beaufort, North Carolina died WFT Est 1718-1807
Stafford, Edward born Abt 1687, Virginia died WFT Est 1688-1777
Stafford, Eli born Abt 1751, North Carolina
Stafford, Eli born Abt 1778, North Carolina
Stafford, Elizabeth born 1760, Craven County, North Carolina died 1834, Liberty County, Georgia
Stafford, Ellie (Nee??) born Abt 1779
Stafford, Ezekiel born 15 Apr 1773, Barnwell County, South Carolina died 17 Aug 1853, Tattnall County, Georgia
Stafford, Fanny Hester born 27 Oct 1876, Cherry Valley, Arkansas died 31 Mar 1884, Cherry Valley, Arkansas
Stafford, Frances born 1672, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, Virginia died WFT Est 1673-1766
Stafford, Frances born WFT Est 1682-1708, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1687-1791
Stafford, Henry born Abt 1781, North Carolina
Stafford, James born Abt 1775
Stafford, Jane born 1676, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1677-1770
Stafford, Jane born WFT Est 1682-1708, Currituck County, North Carolina died WFT Est 1687-1791
Stafford, John Andrew born 25 Nov 1846, Fayette County, Tennessee died 3 May 1924, Cherry Valley, Arkansas
Stafford, John Warren born 26 Aug 1881, Cherry Valley, Arkansas died 16 Feb 1937, Paragould, Arkansas
Stafford, John born Abt 1768, Casswel L County, North Carolina
Stafford, John born Abt 1713, North Carolina died WFT Est 1714-1803
Stafford, John born Abt 1664, Stafford, Virginia died 1733, Bath County, North Carolina
Stafford, John born Abt 1685, Carrituck County, North Carolina died 1735
Stafford, John born Abt 1730, Carrituck County, North Carolina died Abt 1811, Casswel L County, North Carolina
Stafford, Joseph born Abt 1785, Casswel L County, North Carolina
Stafford, Joseph born Abt 1753, North Carolina
Stafford, Joshua born Abt 1748, South Carolina died 1803
Stafford, Joshua born 1715, Beaufort, North Carolina died 20 Aug 1795, Screven County, Georgia
Stafford, Laban Jr born 1779, North Carolina
Stafford, Laban born Abt 1745, North Carolina died 1811, Casswel L County, North Carolina
Stafford, Martha born 1760 died WFT Est 1775-1854
Stafford, Mary born 1674, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1675-1768
Stafford, Mary born WFT Est 1682-1708, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1687-1791
Stafford, Milley born Abt 1765
Stafford, Minnie Pearl born 23 Apr 1889
Stafford, Mrs John born Bef 1744
Stafford, Robert born Abt 1755, South Carolina died 1829, Georgia
Stafford, Rufus Lee born 24 Apr 1878, Cherry Valley, Arkansas died 3 Jan 1952, Cherry Valley, Arkansas
Stafford, Sally born Abt 1772
Stafford, Sally born Abt 1730
Stafford, Samuel born 1668, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, Virginia died WFT Est 1669-1758
Stafford, Samuel born Abt 1690, Stafford, Virginia died WFT Est 1691-1780
Stafford, Samuel born Abt 1732 died 1796, Casswel L County, North Carolina
Stafford, Stephen born Abt 1734, Carrituck County, North Carolina
Stafford, Susannah (Nee??) born Abt 1707
Stafford, Tabetha born Abt 1776, North Carolina
Stafford, Thomas born Abt 1719, Beaufort, North Carolina died WFT Est 1720-1809
Stafford, Thomas born Abt 1767, North Carolina
Stafford, William Boyd born 18 Feb 1819, North Carolina died 5 Jan 1892, White Hall, Arkansas
Stafford, William born Abt 1711 died WFT Est 1712-1801
Stafford, William born Abt 1606, England died Abt 1655, Elizabeth Town, North Carolina
Stafford, William born Abt 1641, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, Virginia died Abt 1700, Anne Arundel Cou, Virginia
Stafford, William born Abt 1689, Virginia city, Wise County, Virginia died 1765, Hanover County, North Carolina
Stafford, William born Abt 1662, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, Virginia died 17 Feb 1727/28, Currituck County, North Carolina
Stafford, William born Jul 1770, North Carolina
Stahnke, Helen Isabella born 9 Jan 1889 died 25 Dec 1970, <Coleman, Texas>
Stainer, Veronica C born Est 1893
Stalker, Eliza M born Bef 1860
Stalker, Eliza M born Abt 1840
Stalker, Eliza born 16 Apr 1839 died WFT Est 1853-1933
Stamper, Connie Sue born 5 Dec 1946
Stanford, Lonnie born 21 Nov 1908
Stanley, Dorcas born 1774 died 1849, Wayne, North Carolina
Stanley, Mary Anne born Est 1830-1850, Ireland
Stanley, Moses born 1738 died Aug 1812, Wayne, North Carolina
Stanton, Amy (Childs) born WFT Est 1650-1672 died 1765, Philadelphia, PA
Starks, Ollie born Est 1910-1930
Starr, Mary Martha born WFT Est 1875-1898 died WFT Est 1920-1986
Steele, Sarah born WFT Est 1777-1802 died WFT Est 1824-1891
Stencel, Nancy born Bef 189
Stephens, Arthur born WFT Est 1881-1901 died WFT Est 1915-1987
Stephens, Clinard born 1869 died 1946
Stephens, Cora born 1876 died 1957
Stephens, Dora born 1871 died 1939
Stephens, Edy born 1823 died WFT Est 1852-1917
Stephens, Efa Minton born 5 May 1870, Springhill, Iowa died 30 Nov 1928
Stephens, Gladys
Stephens, Laura born 1867 died 1946
Stephens, Mabel
Stephens, Sandy
Stephenson, Catherine born 15 Sep 1766, Probably NJ died 9 Jul 1843, Stokes County, North Carolina
Stephenson, Caty born 15 Sep 1766, Probably NJ died 9 Jul 1843, Stokes County, North Carolina
Stephenson, Henry Elsworth born Bef 1885 bur. Wright Bethel Cemetery, east of Waugh, Boone County, Indiana
Stephenson, Jane born Bef 1818
Stephenson, Vada Lulu born After 1885
Stevens, Dimmois born Bef 1900
Stevens, George born WFT Est 1797-1831 died WFT Est 1823-1911
Stevenson, Abbie G. born WFT Est 1861-1883 died WFT Est 1904-1972
Stevenson, William J. born WFT Est 1841-1861 died WFT Est 1875-1947
Stewardson, Lillian Gay born 24 Nov 1903 died 17 Feb 1983
Stewart, born WFT Est 1865-1900 died WFT Est 1897-1979
Stewart, Charity born 1794 died WFT Est 1822-1888
Stewart, Leo P born Bef 1857
Stewart, Rebecca Jane born 24 May 1835 died 10 Aug 1854
Stewart, Rosa Bell born Bef 1892
Stewort, Janelle
Stickney, Richard N. born WFT Est 1841-1873 died WFT Est 1867-1953
Stiefenhoefer, Katherine Elizabeth born 14 Aug 1878, Logansport, Indiana died 2 Mar 1957, Pulaski County, IN.
Still, John born WFT Est 1874-1894 died WFT Est 1908-1980
Stimson, Betsy born Bef 1846
Stimson, Betsy
Stine, Harvey W born Bef 1866
Stinson, Charles born WFT Est 1857-1877 died WFT Est 1891-1963
Stinson, Henry born WFT Est 1822-1851 died WFT Est 1876-1936
Stinson, Martha Matilda born 7 Nov 1873, IN died 5 Nov 1940, Huntington County, Indiana
Stivers, Wendall
Stoakes, William born 22 Oct 1723
Stokes, Ada Jane born 3 Jan 1867 died WFT Est 1868-1961
Stokes, Charles Wesley born 16 Aug 1876, Stuart, Iowa died 6 Feb 1957, Denver, Colorado
Stokes, David born 24 Aug 1861 died WFT Est 1862-1951
Stokes, Emma born 2 Jul 1865, St Ives, England died Sep 1909, Salida, Colorado, Chaffee County
Stokes, Fred Beeho born 28 Feb 1874 died WFT Est 1875-1964
Stokes, George born 1755, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died Abt 1795, England
Stokes, John Robert born 3 Sep 1870 died WFT Est 1871-1960
Stokes, John Thomas born 9 Feb 1879 died WFT Est 1880-1969
Stokes, John born 22 Nov 1840, Holm, England died 10 Jan 1904, Franklin, Tennesee
Stokes, Mary L. born 6 Sep 1872 died WFT Est 1873-1966
Stokes, Sarah born Abt 1803, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died 25 Jan 1842, England
Stokes, William born 4 Mar 1863 died WFT Est 1864-1953
Stone, Albert Corder born 19 Jun 1885 died 25 Apr 1953
Stone, Anna born 23 Aug 1908 died 24 May 1971
Stone, Theota Ann born 4 Apr 1931
Stonebreaker, Adam
Stoop, Sarah Jane born 19 Oct 1839, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania died 15 Mar 1918, Orleans, Harlan, NE
Story, Myrtle Irene
Stout, Sarah born Bef 1884
Stowers, born WFT Est 1837-1869 died WFT Est 1863-1949
Stracener, Mary L. born Abt 1833, Alabama died WFT Est 1861-1927
Straight, Cherity
Straight, Ransom Elsworth born 1874 died 1962, Sacramento, Sacramento, California
Strain, Katherine born WFT Est 1835-1861 died WFT Est 1889-1949
Strange, Rosie born WFT Est 1810-1833 died WFT Est 1855-1921
Stratton, Caroline born 3 Dec 1815, PA died Sep 1852
Stratton, Hettie A. born WFT Est 1811-1845 died WFT Est 1846-1930
Straughan, Harry born Abt 1914
Strickland, Thomas Nugent born WFT Est 1867-1896 died 1963
Stricler, Samuel born WFT Est 1850-1870 died WFT Est 1885-1956
Strohl, ?
Strong, John born Bef 1640
Stroud, Charles Kindred born 19 Dec 1933 died 16 Apr 1955
Stroud, Clifford H. born 11 Dec 1899 died 13 Aug 1978, Texas, Denton County
Stroud, Clifford James
Stroud, James Eugene
Stroud, Michael E.
Stroup, Charles Turner born WFT Est 1826-1855, OH died WFT Est 1880-1940
Stroup, Clella Leola born 2 Oct 1877, Huntington County, Indiana died 1 Jul 1955, Huntington County, Huntington, IN
Strutt, Thomas born Bef 1846
Stubbs, ? born WFT Est 1829-1855 died WFT Est 1835-1938
Stubbs, Abner born 9 Mar 1746/47 died WFT Est 1748-1837
Stubbs, Abner born 26 Apr 1740 died WFT Est 1741-1830
Stubbs, Albert B. born 13 Jan 1867 died WFT Est 1868-1957
Stubbs, Albert born 8 Oct 1894 died WFT Est 1895-1984
Stubbs, Anna born 24 Oct 1762 died WFT Est 1763-1856
Stubbs, Anna born 13 Jun 1781 died WFT Est 1782-1875
Stubbs, Anna born 23 Oct 1811 died WFT Est 1812-1905
Stubbs, Annie Orenida born 11 Jun 1875 died WFT Est 1876-1969
Stubbs, Benjamin Joseph born 12 Dec 1909 died 19 Jun 1976
Stubbs, Benjamin born 2 Mar 1699/00 died WFT Est 1701-1790
Stubbs, Benjamin born 1 May 1746 died WFT Est 1747-1836
Stubbs, Betty Jean born 3 Oct 1925 died 1928, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Carrie born Sep 1879 died WFT Est 1880-1973
Stubbs, Charles Franklin born 18 Dec 1861 died 31 Mar 1922, Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolina
Stubbs, Charles Herbert born 1 Jun 1861 died WFT Est 1862-1951
Stubbs, Charles born 18 Oct 1778 died WFT Est 1779-1868
Stubbs, Charles born 1857 died WFT Est 1874-1947
Stubbs, Demma Mae born 15 May 1900 died 9 Oct 1962, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Earl S. born 18 Apr 1879 died WFT Est 1880-1969
Stubbs, Edward Herman born 2 Mar 1864 died WFT Est 1865-1954
Stubbs, Edward Weldon born 14 Jul 1929 died 1 Jun 1985, Loma Linda, San Bernardino, CA
Stubbs, Elbridge W. born 13 Oct 1834 died 12 Dec 1896, Lincolnton, Lincoln, NC
Stubbs, Elizabeth Marion born 15 Feb 1882 died 4 Jul 1939, Milo, Piscatuquis, Maine, USA
Stubbs, Elmer Lee born 7 Aug 1879 died WFT Est 1880-1969
Stubbs, Etta M. born 25 Jul 1882 died WFT Est 1883-1976
Stubbs, Etta born WFT Est 1856-1882 died WFT Est 1862-1965
Stubbs, Evelyn born 4 Nov 1873 died WFT Est 1874-1967
Stubbs, Experience born 6 Apr 1696 died WFT Est 1697-1790
Stubbs, Fannie Belle born WFT Est 1856-1882 died 1969
Stubbs, Frank born 8 Oct 1894 died 11 Nov 1972
Stubbs, Fred Thomas born 30 Jun 1887 died WFT Est 1888-1977
Stubbs, Fredrick A. born 12 Nov 1863 died WFT Est 1864-1953
Stubbs, Fredrick A. born 15 Nov 1840 died 21 Jun 1904, Sherman Mills, Aroostook, Maine
Stubbs, George born 1850 died WFT Est 1851-1940
Stubbs, Guy Lee born 1 Nov 1871 died WFT Est 1872-1961
Stubbs, Hannah born 21 Oct 1722 died WFT Est 1723-1816
Stubbs, Henry Sewell born 27 Dec 1809 died 20 Jun 1885, Sherman Mills, Aroostook, Maine
Stubbs, Infant Daughter born 1893 died WFT Est 1894-1987
Stubbs, Infant Son born 19 Jul 1928 died 19 Jul 1928, Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolina
Stubbs, Jael born 21 Dec 1724 died WFT Est 1725-1818
Stubbs, Jael born 31 Dec 1751 died WFT Est 1752-1845
Stubbs, James Alexander born 16 Apr 1894 died 26 Aug 1961, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, James Richard born 28 Oct 1986 died 28 Oct 1986, Bellmead, McLennan, Texas, USA
Stubbs, James born 2 Mar 1698/99 died WFT Est 1700-1789
Stubbs, Jeremiah born 24 Apr 1754 died WFT Est 1755-1844
Stubbs, Joe Cephus born 19 Nov 1889 died 12 Mar 1970, Henryetta, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, US
Stubbs, John Henry born 1866 died WFT Est 1867-1956
Stubbs, John born 1870 died WFT Est 1871-1960
Stubbs, John born WFT Est 1856-1882 died WFT Est 1862-1962
Stubbs, John born 12 Mar 1708/09 died WFT Est 1710-1799
Stubbs, John born 7 Jun 1756 died WFT Est 1757-1846
Stubbs, Jonathan born 12 Jul 1731 died WFT Est 1732-1821
Stubbs, Joseph Russell born 24 Feb 1775 died WFT Est 1776-1865
Stubbs, Lewis Carroll born 17 Sep 1884 died WFT Est 1885-1974
Stubbs, Lizzie Lee born Aug 1888 died WFT Est 1889-1982
Stubbs, Lois A. born WFT Est 1877-1902 died WFT Est 1881-1986
Stubbs, Lois Ann born 1840 died WFT Est 1841-1934
Stubbs, Lois Hester born 27 Apr 1908 died 15 Feb 1943
Stubbs, Lorenzo Dow born 1817 died 1877, Bellevue, Bossier, Louisiana, USA
Stubbs, Lucretia born 1 Feb 1897 died 30 Jun 1992, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Lucy born WFT Est 1856-1882 died WFT Est 1862-1965
Stubbs, Luke born 5 Jul 1696 died WFT Est 1697-1786
Stubbs, Mable H. born 17 Jul 1876 died WFT Est 1877-1970
Stubbs, Mable born 1862 died WFT Est 1863-1956
Stubbs, Mamie born WFT Est 1856-1882 died WFT Est 1862-1965
Stubbs, Margaret Elizabeth born 9 Feb 1915 died 8 Nov 1982
Stubbs, Margaret Ellen born 1845 died WFT Est 1846-1939
Stubbs, Margaret born WFT Est 1648-1674 died WFT Est 1653-1758
Stubbs, Margaret born 22 Jan 1698/99 died WFT Est 1700-1793
Stubbs, Mary E. born 1845 died WFT Est 1846-1939
Stubbs, Mary born 13 Jul 1718 died WFT Est 1719-1812
Stubbs, Mary born 1873 died WFT Est 1874-1967
Stubbs, Maude Anna born Aug 1893 died WFT Est 1894-1987
Stubbs, Mercy born WFT Est 1648-1674 died WFT Est 1653-1758
Stubbs, Mercy born 22 Dec 1782 died WFT Est 1783-1876
Stubbs, Mildred Lona born 18 Apr 1896 died WFT Est 1897-1990
Stubbs, Mildred Ocie born 28 Jun 1918 died 23 Dec 1981, Henryetta, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, US
Stubbs, Moses born 28 Mar 1758 died WFT Est 1759-1848
Stubbs, Odell born WFT Est 1858-1885 died WFT Est 1864-1967
Stubbs, Olive S. born 28 Dec 1896 died WFT Est 1897-1990
Stubbs, Olive born 2 Dec 1779 died WFT Est 1780-1873
Stubbs, Ora Katharine born 5 Dec 1910 died 3 May 1990, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Peris Lois born 25 Mar 1894 died WFT Est 1895-1988
Stubbs, Permelia C. born 27 Jul 1875 died WFT Est 1876-1969
Stubbs, Pete born 21 Jul 1902 died 27 Feb 1980, Sevier County, Arkansas
Stubbs, Peter Patrick born 26 Oct 1904 died 26 May 1987, Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolina
Stubbs, Rebecca born 18 Nov 1707 died WFT Est 1708-1801
Stubbs, Rebecca born 17 Oct 1727 died WFT Est 1728-1821
Stubbs, Richard True born 7 May 1806 died 15 Jan 1877, Milo, Piscatuquis, Maine, USA
Stubbs, Richard born 1619 died 22 May 1677, Hull, Plymouth, MA
Stubbs, Richard born 6 Dec 1661 died 5 Mar 1708/09, Hull, Plymouth, MA
Stubbs, Richard born 10 Jun 1692 died 7 Mar 1748/49, Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachuse
Stubbs, Richard born 4 Aug 1744 died WFT Est 1745-1834
Stubbs, Richard born 9 Nov 1717 died 5 Jul 1785, North Yarmouth, Cumberland, Main
Stubbs, Richard born 10 Apr 1875 died 22 Sep 1969, Dierks, Howard, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Richard born Oct 1898 died 15 Apr 1956, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Robert born WFT Est 1856-1882 died WFT Est 1862-1962
Stubbs, Rufus born 1820 died WFT Est 1821-1910
Stubbs, Sallie born WFT Est 1856-1882 died WFT Est 1862-1965
Stubbs, Samantha Jane born 12 Apr 1907 died 20 Mar 1994, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA
Stubbs, Samuel Alonzo born 14 Nov 1859 died 2 Jan 1936, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, Samuel born 22 Nov 1704 died WFT Est 1705-1794
Stubbs, Samuel born 21 Sep 1777 died WFT Est 1778-1867
Stubbs, Samuel born 1815 died WFT Est 1816-1905
Stubbs, Samuel born 6 Feb 1748/49 died 23 Mar 1823, Leeds, Androscoggin, Maine, USA
Stubbs, Sarah born 1855 died WFT Est 1856-1949
Stubbs, Sarah born 1725 died WFT Est 1726-1819
Stubbs, Seth Witherell born 30 Oct 1807 died WFT Est 1850-1899, Lincolnton, Lincoln, NC
Stubbs, Sewell Henry born 23 Jun 1851 died WFT Est 1852-1941
Stubbs, Simon born 1852 died WFT Est 1853-1942
Stubbs, Sophia born 2 Apr 1787 died WFT Est 1788-1881
Stubbs, Sumner born 1847 died 19 Mar 1848, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Stubbs, Susannah born 18 Dec 1742 died WFT Est 1743-1836
Stubbs, W. A. born 1863 died WFT Est 1896-1954, Sevier County, Arkansas
Stubbs, Walter Lincoln born 13 Jun 1863 died WFT Est 1864-1953
Stubbs, William Elbridge born 11 Nov 1892 died 14 Apr 1966, Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolina
Stubbs, William Franklin born 7 Dec 1895, Sevier County, Tennessee died 15 Mar 1991, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Stubbs, William Ruel born 23 Jun 1851 died 20 Jun 1904, Brownville, Piscataquis, Maine, U
Stubbs, William born WFT Est 1648-1674 died WFT Est 1654-1755
Stubbs, William born 30 Mar 1694 died WFT Est 1695-1784
Stubbs, William born 25 Feb 1737/38 died WFT Est 1739-1828
Stubbs, William born 1 Jun 1785 died WFT Est 1786-1875
Stubbs, Willie born 1902 died 1949
Stubbs, Wilton Irving born 3 Jan 1870 died WFT Est 1871-1960
Stubbs, Winnefred born WFT Est 1877-1902 died WFT Est 1881-1986
Stubbs, Zora Troy born 21 Dec 1890 died WFT Est 1891-1984
Stultz, Edward born 1837 died 1914
Stump, Charlotte born 1858, IN died WFT Est 1890-1952
Suddarth, James born WFT Est 1696-1727 died WFT Est 1754-1811
Sulcer, Emma born WFT Est 1847-1873 died WFT Est 1892-1961
Sullivan, Adam born 1 Mar 1801 died 18 Dec 1866, Kaufman, Texas, USA
Sullivan, Allison born 1866 died WFT Est 1867-1960
Sullivan, Andrew P. born 19 Feb 1825 died 30 Jan 1901, Wills Point, Kaufman, Texas
Sullivan, Andrew born 1784 died WFT Est 1805-1875
Sullivan, Annie May born 1 Jul 1881, Kaufman County, Texas died 12 Sep 1959, Coahoma, Howard Co TX
Sullivan, Betty Louise born Abt 1931 died Abt 1999
Sullivan, Charles L. born 28 Sep 1883 died 17 Apr 1958
Sullivan, Cyrus born 1831 died WFT Est 1832-1921
Sullivan, David born 1867 died WFT Est 1868-1957
Sullivan, Dora C. born 1855 died WFT Est 1856-1949
Sullivan, Elanor born 16 Jun 1806 died 13 Apr 1884, Kaufman, Texas, USA
Sullivan, Elijah born 26 Feb 1841 died 12 Feb 1913, Wills Point, Kaufman, Texas
Sullivan, Eliza born 1836 died WFT Est 1837-1930
Sullivan, Elizabeth born 1855 died WFT Est 1856-1949
Sullivan, Harriett born 1827 died WFT Est 1828-1921
Sullivan, John W. born 1864 died WFT Est 1865-1954
Sullivan, John Wellington born 28 Oct 1847 died WFT Est 1848-1937
Sullivan, John born 1869 died WFT Est 1870-1959
Sullivan, Martha A. born 10 Sep 1857 died WFT Est 1858-1951
Sullivan, Mary E. born 19 Jun 1849 died WFT Est 1850-1943
Sullivan, Milton born 1834 died WFT Est 1835-1924
Sullivan, N. E. born 1859 died WFT Est 1860-1949
Sullivan, Nancy born 1862 died WFT Est 1863-1956
Sullivan, Sophia Kathleen born 18 Jan or Jun 1897, Plano, Collin Co TX died 15 May 1982, DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas, USA
Sullivan, Susan born WFT Est 1872-1895 died 1918
Sullivan, Webster Clinton born 25 Mar 1853 died 1 Apr 1871, Kaufman, Texas, USA
Sullivan, William Henry born 5 May 1851, Kaufman County, Texas died 1905, Wapanucka, Johnston, Oklahoma
Sulser, Jewel Oren born Sep 1905, Kansas died 26 Sep 1972
Summer, Doris
Summers, George born Bef 1873
Summers, Sarah Eliza born Abt 1807, Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire, England died 28 Nov 1862, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England
Summersby, Sarah Eliza born Abt 1807, Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire, England died 28 Nov 1862, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England
Sumner, Arthur born 1906, Non, Hughes County, Oklahoma died 19 Oct 1994, Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma
Sumner, Everett born 1904, Non, Hughes County, Oklahoma died 15 Jan 1966, Valleyview, Cook County, Texas
Sumner, John born WFT Est 1857-1888 died WFT Est 1915-1971, Non, Hughes County, Oklahoma
Sumpter, Amelia born 1761 died WFT Est 1775-1855
Sumpter, Anne born WFT Est 1713-1736 died WFT Est 1729-1820
Sumpter, Edmund Randolph born 1740, Albemarle County, VA died 1790
Sumpter, Edward born 1810, Knox County, TN died 1859, TN
Sumpter, Elizabeth Ann born 16 Jan 1802, Knox County, TN died 16 Feb 1864
Sumpter, Elizabeth born WFT Est 1755-1781 died 1873
Sumpter, Elvira born 1815, Knox County, TN died WFT Est 1847-1909
Sumpter, Fielding born 1766 died WFT Est 1787-1856
Sumpter, James born WFT Est 1713-1736 died WFT Est 1718-1817

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