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Clampett Family Tree

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Moore, James P. born 12 Aug 1824, Tennessee died 30 Sep 1868
Moore, Jerry Hyatt born WFT Est 1853-1873 died WFT Est 1887-1959
Moore, John Jack born WFT Est 1824-1844 died WFT Est 1831-1928
Moore, John R. born 2 Jul 1865 died 16 Jan 1943
Moore, Lawrence born 1896, Missouri, Mercer County died 1970, <Iowa, Decatur, Pleasanton, Hamilton Cemetary>
Moore, Margaret J. born 10 Oct 1846 died 11 Apr 1909
Moore, Martha C. born 15 Sep 1860 died Nov 1924
Moore, Martha born Abt 1838 died WFT Est 1853-1935
Moore, Mary Elizabeth born 6 Aug 1846, Tennessee died 14 Apr 1906
Moore, Mary born WFT Est 1871-1893 died WFT Est 1915-1982
Moore, Minerva born Abt 1861, Indiana died After 1910
Moore, Myrtle D. born WFT Est 1872-1895 died 2 Feb 1973
Moore, Nancy born 27 Apr 1856 died 12 Dec 1935
Moore, Otis Lee born Abt 1947
Moore, Otis born Abt 1920
Moore, Pierce Ernest born WFT Est 1871-1900 died WFT Est 1925-1985
Moore, R. J. born WFT Est 1824-1844 died WFT Est 1831-1928
Moore, Rebecca born WFT Est 1824-1844 died WFT Est 1830-1931
Moore, Ronnie born Abt 1949
Moore, Sarah J. born 10 Feb 1852 died 20 Jan 1881
Moore, Sarah Jane born 24 Dec 1830 died 4 Jan 1899, Lewisville, Denton County, Texas
Moore, Stephen R. born 8 Jul 1808, Moore County, North Carolina died 23 Apr 1863, Alton, Illinois
Moore, Steven J. born 28 Aug 1858 died 30 Sep 1860
Moore, Tex Eileen born WFT Est 1880-1903 died WFT Est 1925-1991
Moore, Will born WFT Est 1824-1844 died WFT Est 1831-1928
Moore, William D. born 24 Mar 1850 died 14 Dec 1926
Moore, Willis born Bef 1795
Moors, William born Bef 1876
Morehead, born WFT Est 1754-1793 died WFT Est 1797-1873
Morehead, Charles born WFT Est 1724-1753 died WFT Est 1778-1838
Morehead, Dorothy born Abt 1900
Morehead, James D. born 26 Aug 1804 died 12 Mar 1841
Morehead, Mary Ellen born 8 Sep 1832 died 22 Feb 1890, Russelleville, Ballard, County, KY
Morehead, Mary born WFT Est 1856-1879 died WFT Est 1903-1967
Morehead, Presley Leland born 8 Feb 1838 died WFT Est 1873-1929
Morehead, Presley born 1775 died 1847
Morgan, Harrison born WFT Est 1829-1858 died WFT Est 1883-1943
Morgan, Lang Allen born 25 Apr 1880 died 5 Jan 1952
Morgan, Nancy born Bef 1881
Morgan, Nancy born Bef 1807
Morgan, Susannah born 16 Nov 1809, Wayne County, Indiana died 2 Nov 1833, Dublin, Wayne County, Indiana
Morgan, T. S. born 2 Jan 1923 died 7 Oct 1927
Morgan, William born 1839 died 1925, Illinois
Moriarity, John Owen born Oct 1933, Parsons, KS
Moriarity, Martha born 15 Apr 1938, Parsons, Ks.
Moriarity, N.I. (Bud) born Abt 1900
Moriarity, Norbert Loren born Nov 1925, Parsons, KS
Morkovetz, Teresa born WFT Est 1886-1905 died WFT Est 1907-1989
Mormann, Arthur E born 14 Feb 1904, Washington DC died 14 Feb 1986, MD
Mormann, Carolyn Elizabeth born 26 Jul 1932
Mormann, Donnette Ann born 8 Feb 1937
Morren, Nora Lee
Morris, Betty June
Morris, Claude born WFT Est 1879-1902 died WFT Est 1884-1983
Morris, Cordelia born 24 Sep 1874, Huntington County, Indiana died 30 Apr 1958, Los Angeles, California
Morris, Doris Gene
Morris, Edith born WFT Est 1879-1902 died WFT Est 1884-1986
Morris, Harriett born 1891, Cambridge, England
Morris, James Randolph born WFT Est 1835-1861, Sioux City, Iowa died WFT Est 1885-1949
Morris, Jay born WFT Est 1879-1902 died WFT Est 1884-1983
Morris, John A.
Morris, John T. born 11 Aug 1848, Huntington County, Indiana died 19 Jul 1912, Huntington County, Indiana
Morris, Jonathan J born WFT Est 1799-1839, Ohio died WFT Est 1843-1921
Morris, Katherine born WFT Est 1872-1894 died WFT Est 1915-1983
Morris, Mary Ann born 12 Jul 1818 died 19 Feb 1894
Morris, Oscar E. born 14 Aug 1875 died 21 Jul 1953
Morris, Thomas born 1849 died 1917
Morris, Ulva born WFT Est 1879-1902 died WFT Est 1884-1986
Morrish, Mary born Bef 1830, Bovey Tracey, Devon, England
Morrison, Marian born Abt 1905
Morrison, Vashti born WFT Est 1878-1901 died WFT Est 1923-1989
Mortlock, Charles Luke
Morton, Mary born Bef 1914
Morton, Nancy Ann born 29 Mar 1834, Tennessee died 20 Jul 1901
Moses, Mary born 1760 died 1862
Mosley, George born 14 Jul 1864 died 20 Sep 1888, Johnson County, Texas
Mosley, James born 4 Jul 1798, VA died 1 Oct 1843, Prince Edward, VA
Mosley, William Anthony born 22 Jun 1833, VA died 11 Feb 1878, Paducah, McCracken Co KY
Mosley, William Arthur born 22 Jun 1833, VA died 11 Feb 1878, Paducah, McCracken Co KY
Moss, Agnes Rosena
Moss, Agnes Rosena born 4 May 1856, Preston, Lancashire, England died 1 Feb 1922
Moss, Agnes Rosina (Rosena) born Bef 1877
Moss, Agnes Rosina born Bef 1880
Moss, Agnes Rosina born Bef 1899
Moss, Agnes Rosina born Bef 1875
Moss, Agnes Rosina
Moss, Charlotte born 15 Oct 1815, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died Sep 1885
Moss, Dorothy born 1796, Derby, Derbyshire, England died Abt 1855
Moss, George Stoakes born 21 Aug 1828, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died 11 Mar 1853
Moss, James born 1776, Derby, Derbyshire, England
Moss, James born 3 Mar 1831, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died May 1832
Moss, James born 28 May 1814, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died 1 Jun 1814
Moss, Joseph born 10 Mar 1788, Derby, Derbyshire, England died 15 Nov 1853
Moss, Sarah born 7 Dec 1823, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died 7 Sep 1856
Moss, William F born Abt 1755, Derby, Derbyshire, England died Abt 1795, Derby, Derbyshire, England
Moss, William Francis born 9 Feb 1792, Derby, Derbyshire, England died 25 Jan 1832, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England
Moss, William Francis born 15 Nov 1825, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England died 20 Sep 1908, East Garland, Box Elder, UT
Mounsey, John born 27 Feb 1812, Cumberland, England died 30 Apr 1886
Mounsey, Miama "Amy" born 12 Dec 1844, Wells County, IN died 11 Apr 1930, Wells County, IN
Mourning, Elizabeth Jane born Bef 1867
Mourning, Hannah A born Bef 1860
Moyer, Amanda born 1848, West Virginia died Mar 1886, Washington DC
Moyer, Ethel Jane born 3 Oct 1897, Star City, WI. died 31 May 1985, Huntington County, Warren, IN
Moyer, Mamie born 1848, West Virginia died Mar 1886, Washington DC
Moyer, Tommy
Moyers, Henry born WFT Est 1785-1812 died WFT Est 1837-1898
Moylan, Eleanor A born 1935
Mudge, Sarah born Bef 1710
Mueller, Antonia born 1845 died WFT Est 1846-1939
Mueller, Christina born 1847 died WFT Est 1848-1941
Mueller, Ernst born 1839 died WFT Est 1840-1929
Mueller, Flora born 1849 died WFT Est 1850-1943
Mueller, Frank W. born 13 Jan 1864, Williamsville, NY died 10 Nov 1928, Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Kansas
Mueller, Franziska born 1835 died WFT Est 1836-1929
Mueller, Jennie born WFT Est 1885-1911 died Abt 1966
Mueller, Joseph born 1833 died WFT Est 1834-1923
Mueller, Joseph born 2 Apr 1807, Lobendau, Bohemia died 4 Apr 1860, Lobendau, Bohemia
Mueller, Julius born 1841 died WFT Est 1842-1931
Mueller, Paulina born 1842 died WFT Est 1843-1936
Mueller, Robert born 1837 died WFT Est 1838-1927
Mulcahy, born Est 1949
Mulcahy, born Abt 1948
Mulcreavy, Elizabeth born WFT Est 1842-1865 died WFT Est 1887-1953
Mulford, Eva Luella born 5 Aug 1861, New Providence, Hardin County, Iowa died 24 Oct 1944, Eldora, Hardin County, Iowa
Mulford, Eve born Bef 1885
Mulford, Stephen Stanley born 6 Jul 1833, East Bloomfield, Ontario County, New York died 28 Jan 1902, Pasadena, Los Angeles County, CA
Mullen, Howard born Bef 1925
Muller, Anna born 8 Apr 1787, Lobendau, Bohemia died 21 Dec 1795, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Anton born 6 Jan 1789, Lobendau, Bohemia died 26 May 1789, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Anton born 1818, Lobendau, Bohemia died WFT Est 1819-1908
Muller, Elizabeth born WFT Est 1741-1768, unknown died WFT Est 1796-1856, unknown
Muller, Franz born 10 Jan 1794, Lobendau, Bohemia died 13 May 1794, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Jacob born 1786, Lobendau, Bohemia died 1786, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Joseph born Feb 1782, Lobendau, Bohemia died 6 Nov 1782, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Joseph born 1740, Lobendau, Bohemia died 5 Jul 1796, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Joseph born 28 Oct 1783, Lobendau, Bohemia died 1 Jun 1862, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Theresia born 12 Aug 1790, Lobendau, Bohemia died 4 Oct 1792, Lobendau, Bohemia
Muller, Theresia born 1808 died WFT Est 1809-1902
Muller, Zacharias born 1719, Hielgersdorf, Germany/Bohemia died 9 Sep 1772, unknown
Mullin, Milo born WFT Est 1861-1887, Wilmington, OH died WFT Est 1906-1969
Mullin, Willard Harlan born 14 Sep 1902, Wilmington, OH died 22 Dec 1978, Corpus Christi, TX
Mullings, Effie born WFT Est 1883-1927 died 28 Feb 1989, Prescott, Nevada, Arkansas.USA
Mullins, Flossie Emma born WFT Est 1876-1899 died WFT Est 1921-1987
Mullins, Julia
Mullins, Julia born Bef 1908
Mulroy, Francis born Abt 1914
Mulroy, Ian born After 1938
Mumford, Frank born Est 1920 died Bef 1998
Mundy, Minna born Est 1917
Munkers, Lela born 12 Aug 1893 died 1 May 1958
Murch, Ann born Bef 1832, Exeter, Devon, England
Murfin, Jenny born 14 Sep 1954
Murphey, born WFT Est 1839-1859 died WFT Est 1873-1945
Murphey, born WFT Est 1850-1870 died WFT Est 1884-1956
Murphy, born Bef 1782 died Between 1792 and 1821
Murphy, Alta born WFT Est 1875-1894 died 21 Sep 1928
Murphy, Effie born WFT Est 1882-1901 died WFT Est 1888-1988
Murphy, Emaline born WFT Est 1836-1852, Elizabeth, IL died WFT Est 1851-1939
Murphy, Emily born Bef 1881
Murphy, Francis born WFT Est 1836-1852 died WFT Est 1857-1939
Murphy, George Sydney born WFT Est 1882-1901 died WFT Est 1888-1985
Murphy, Granville H. born WFT Est 1836-1852 died 1894, Elizabeth, IL
Murphy, James W. born WFT Est 1836-1852 died 1894, Elizabeth, IL
Murphy, John born Abt 1792
Murphy, Margaret born 12 Jun 1847, Elizabeth, IL died 14 Jan 1933, Harris, Anderson County, KS
Murphy, Nancy born WFT Est 1828-1851, NC died WFT Est 1873-1939
Murphy, Normandy Josephine born 8 Aug 1892, Boonville, Missouri died 3 Sep 1966, Beeville, Bee County, Texas
Murphy, Sarah born WFT Est 1836-1852 died WFT Est 1857-1939
Murphy, Stephen Alexander born 1815 died 25 Jul 1851, Marysville, California
Murphy, Tammy Michele born 3 Nov 1966, West Monroe, Ouachita, Lousiana
Murphy, Thomas Jefferson Alexander born 5 Apr 1862 died 7 Jan 1936, Boonville, Mississippi
Murphy, Tom born WFT Est 1882-1901 died WFT Est 1888-1985
Murray, Mary born Abt 1790, Richmond, Vermont died 12 Sep 1819, Richmond, Vermont
Murry, Burleigh Albert born 1879 died 19 Jul 1964
Murry, Dallas Edgar born 16 May 1907, Franklin County, Illinois died 8 Jun 1990, Herrin, Illinois
Murry, Glenn born 1904 died 31 Dec 1967
Musick, Jim born WFT Est 1856-1885 died WFT Est 1910-1970
Myer, Anthony Francis born 2 Sep 1908, Lafayette, Indiana died 12 Mar 1990, Lafayette, Indiana
Myer, Anthony J. born 30 Oct 1876 died 24 Feb 1963
Myer, Richard born 21 Jun 1923, Lafayette, Indiana died 26 May 1968, Lafayette, Indiana
Myer, Walter G. born 29 Apr 1921, Lafayette, Indiana died 21 Mar 1996, Indianapolis, Indiana
Myers, George born 15 Feb 1777, MD died 18 Jul 1853, OH
Myers, Isaac born WFT Est 1796-1816 died WFT Est 1831-1902
Myers, Margaret born 3 Nov 1830, South Carolina died 20 Feb 1872, Marion County, Florida
Myers, Susannah born 6 Aug 1816, Clark County, OH died 10 Nov 1915, Wells County, IN
Mynatt, William Archy born 7 Apr 1923 died 13 Oct 1996
Mynatt, William H. born WFT Est 1876-1907 died WFT Est 1934-1992

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